
Titration is a type of quantitative chemical analysis. It is used to work out the unknown concentration of a known substance. It makes the use of two main tools, the pipette and burette. In this lab, we learned the concentration of HCl because of the titration. The endpoint of a titration means the acid is 100% neutralized. During this lab, the neutralized HCl turned light pink for 30 seconds and then dissolved. We completed 3 trials in which our standard volume of NaOH was 10.24 mL. Our moles HCl were 0.00102mL making our concentration 0.102M.

For the core competencies, I used critical and reflective thinking when doing this lab. We used different strategies to solve our conflicting problem that we didn’t know the answer to. We also analyzed evidence to make grave decisions and to draw conclusions in our lab. With having feedback from our teacher, we investigated on how our solution could become the lightest shade of pink. By determinedly doing all of those, we finally have reached our goal to titrate a hydrochloric acid solution of unknown concentration with standardized sodium hydroxide.


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