Core Competency Reflection


During the lab, my partner and I collaborate effectively to complete our lab. We started by reading through and going over the procedures to ensure we had a clear understanding of what we needed to do. Throughout the lab, we were also able to ask questions to better our understandings of the procedures. We also equally divided tasks of gathering materials, mixing chemicals, heating the test tubes, recording observations, and cleaning up. We were also able to minimize our chances of having any accidents by keeping our workspace clean and organized throughout the experiment. Using our collaboration skills, we worked together to determine whether the combination of Pb(NO3)2 and KI solutions would create precipitates and what temperature the precipitates formed would dissolve. By working together and splitting up our tasks, we achieved our goals and obtained the data needed for our lab.

The Crucible

           The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play, The Crucible. In Particular, what will be discussed is the characters in The Crucible that behave in a confusing manner. This behaviour can best be described and understood using Kohlberg’s moral precepts for explanation. Specifically, Kohlberg has three distinct descriptions of perspectives that individuals adopt, motivating them to behave in certain ways. These three categories are pre-conventional behaviours, conventional behaviours, and post-conventional behaviours. All three categories are factors that are considered when individuals decide to act in any given situation. If we understand the consideration and action, we will be able to achieve a better understanding of the characters.   

There are numerous characters in The Crucible that exhibit pre-conventional behaviours. Pre-conventional characters are driven by the desire to obtain rewards or avoid punishment. The first character that is pre-conventional is Tituba this is evident when Reverend Parris says to her “I will take you out and whip you to your death if you do not confess.”(Reverend Parris Act I). Here, Tituba confesses to a crime she did not commit since she is driven by her desire to avoid punishment which leads her to quickly comply with Parris’s demands. This behaviour aligns with Kohlberg’s pre-conventional perspective, where one’s actions are driven by self-interest and the desire to avoid negative consequences. The next character who behaves in a way to avoid punishment is Abigail Williams. She displays pre-conventional tendencies when she falsely accuses others of witchcraft to deflect suspicion from herself. Her statement, “I saw Sarah Good with the devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the devil!”(Abigail Williams Act I) shows her willingness to make false accusations to protect herself from punishment. Abigail’s actions demonstrate how individuals prioritize personal gain over ethical considerations in pre-conventional behaviour. And the final example is Thomas Putnam. His actions showcase his desire to gain rewards through the relentless pursuit of land, as depicted when Giles Corey states, “Thomas Putnam is reaching out for land” (Giles Corey Act 2). Putnam’s manipulation and exploitation of the witch trials to gain more property represent his disregard for moral principles in favour of personal gain. Through these examples, it becomes evident that many characters in The Crucible behave in a way to obtain rewards and avoid punishment. 

Many characters in The Crucible are conventional. Conventional characters behave in a way that suggests they want group acceptance and to fit into a group. The first conventional character to be discussed is Mary Warren. She displays this behaviour when she declares, “I go your way no more.”(Mary Warren Act III). Mary’s statement reflects her attempt to fit herself with the girls, she seeks acceptance within their group and therefore attempts to distance herself from John Proctor, who challenges their claims. This behaviour demonstrates Kohlberg’s conventional perspective, where individuals prioritize fitting in and being accepted over independence. The next character who acts in a way to fit into a group is Ezekiel Cheever. He showcases this behaviour when he states, “You know I must do what I’m told” (Ezekiel Cheever Act II). Cheever’s obedience to authority highlights his willingness to prioritize following orders gaining group acceptance over following his own beliefs. The final example is Reverend Parris. He exhibits conventional behaviours when he defends the court proceedings by declaring, “Excellency, you surely cannot think to let so vile a lie be spread in open court.”(Reverend Parris Act III). Parris’s defense of the court’s actions reflects his compliance to authority and societal norms, as he prioritizes the preservation of the court’s reputation over individual justice. Through these examples, it becomes evident that many characters in “The Crucible” behave in a manner that suggests they want group acceptance and to fit into a group at the expense of individual integrity. 

There are many characters in the crucible that are post-conventional. Post-conventional characters behave in a way that they believe is correct regardless of punishment, reward, and group acceptance. The first post-conventional character is John Proctor. This is evident when he is committed to getting justice and telling the truth by boldly declaring, “I have known her”(John Act III). Here, John attempts to prove his wife is innocent despite the risk of facing severe consequences for his confession of adultery. Proctor’s willingness to speak out against the prevailing hysteria and his refusal to compromise his integrity illustrate his commitment to higher moral principles beyond societal expectations. The next character who acts in a way that they believe is correct regardless of punishment, reward, and group acceptance is Reverend Hale. This is apparent when he challenges the court’s authority and questions the validity of the accusations. Hale even goes as far as to advise the accused to lie in order to save their lives. Elizabeth Proctor herself acknowledges his change when she remarks, “I think that be the devil’s argument” (Elizabeth Proctor, Act IV). Hale’s willingness to confront his own beliefs and advocate for truth, despite the potential backlash from authority figures, showcases his commitment to moral righteousness above all else. The final example is Giles Corey. When Giles was facing execution for refusal to betray the man who confided Thomas Putnam’s plans to him exemplifies his steadfast dedication to his principles. Here, Corey stoically utters, “more weight,”(Giles Corey Act IV) choosing death over compromising his principles. Corey’s refusal to conform to societal expectations, even at the cost of his life, emphasizes his unwavering commitment to do what he believes is right. Through these examples, it is evident that there are many characters in the Crucible who behave in a way that they believe is correct regardless of punishment, reward, and group acceptance. 

In conclusion, it is evident that Kohlberg’s moral precepts pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional behaviors have been valuable tools in allowing the reader to achieve a better understanding of the characters in “The Crucible.” These precepts provide a framework for understanding why individuals behave the way they do when faced with certain situations. Through looking at characters such as Tituba, Abigail Williams, Mary Warren, John Proctor, Reverend Hale, and Giles Corey, it becomes clear how pre-conventional motives drive actions aimed at obtaining rewards or avoiding punishment, while conventional behavior seeks group acceptance and fitting in. While post-conventional behavior prioritizes personal principles and moral integrity over external influences. By analyzing the characters through these three categories, we gain deeper insights into the characters motivations and actions, which betters our understanding of the complex social dynamics and moral dilemmas depicted in the play. 

Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment

This is my Mesopotamia Timeline project

Cause and Consequence

When working on this project, I used the Cause and Consequence curricular competency. During this project, I identified two significant developments in Mesopotamia that I found most meaningful and worked to determine how they came to be using a Cause and Consequence chart. My strengths during this project were working to determine the underlying, immediate, and long-term causes and consequences that caused/ impacted the developments. I believe an area for future growth would be gathering more evidence and delving deeper into the details of the developments. Overall, though, the project turned out well.

Thinking CC

Throughout this project, I applied the thinking core competency skills to help me complete my project. My strengths included comparing information from online and textbook resources to help me better analyze the events/developments I was discussing. I also explored evidence to evaluate which events held the most significance in Mesopotamia. To enhance my understanding, I actively asked questions about the topics we covered and referred to previous assignments for comparisons. Furthermore, I consistently asked for constructive criticism from my peers and incorporated their feedback to better my project by adding more details. In the future, I plan to improve my projects by incorporating more of my thoughts and perspectives on why events unfolded and how they influenced other events.

Anatomy and Physiology 12 Core Competency Self-Assessment

This is a picture of our dissected fetal pig


During our fetal pig dissection, I was able to use my communication and collaboration skills to dissect the fetal pig with my group members successfully. Pre-dissection, I was able to actively listen to my teacher’s instructions and ask follow-up questions to get a better understanding of what to do. Throughout the dissection, I worked with my group members to better understand the pig’s anatomy. We discussed/exchanged ideas and shared our opinions and thoughts on where we thought specific organs were. I also worked with my group to come up with a plan to divide our roles so that everyone could contribute equally to the dissection process. Overall, during this lab, I successfully worked with my group members to dissect our fetal pig, identify its organs, and learn more about how the organs worked together to function.

Social Studies 11 Final Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I was able to research and use my prior knowledge about the issue of single-use plastics to create this project. When creating this project, I spent a lot of time researching and analyzing information to help me answer my questions. That helped me compile relevant information and draw reasoned conclusions. During this project, I also got feedback from my classmates to help me improve and expand my information. That helped me develop my project and make it more interesting.
While working on this project, I also looked at many different perspectives of people, countries, and businesses to help me answer my questions. That helped me look at both sides of the issue and figure out why people had the viewpoints they had.

First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Core Competency Reflection


When starting to plan this essay, I was able to use evidence from the film we were watching to write my essay. I did this by actively taking notes on the film and using my prior knowledge about how the government treated Indigenous peoples to create relevant points. I was able to also actively listen and ask questions during class discussions to help me gain a better understanding of issues happening in the film.

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I used my critical and reflective thinking skills when writing my essay. I used evidence and information from the film to create points. I did this by coming up with ideas and proving them, using evidence from the film and prior feedback from my teacher. I also expanded and detailed my ideas to help me plan my essay and create a reasoned conclusion.


During this essay, I demonstrated my collaboration skills by talking with my classmates about different ideas to help me expand on my learning. I also listened to my classmate’s perspectives during class discussions to help me gain different points of view about the film. I was also able to talk with my teacher to help me expand my ideas and gain helpful feedback to help me write and complete my essay.


One goal I have for myself going forward is talking more during class discussions. I want to work towards this since it will help me become more comfortable speaking and participating in class. I plan to do this by putting up my hand more, talking about my perspectives on issues, and taking charge in group discussions.

Social Studies 11 Mid-Term Assessment


For my God project, I used my previous knowledge of how to do significant analysis to create my project. I used different websites to help me research, put all the information together, put them into my own words, and use evidence to explain the significance of my God. I was able to make my project detailed while still having the information flow nicely and be easy to understand for anyone who has never heard about my God. An area I plan to grow in is elaborating more on my topic and creating a project that doesn’t have lots of information but rather only the substantial parts.

I used both critical and reflective thinking when creating my God project. In order to collect reliable information I was able to look into a lot of material and compared it to information on other websites so that I could have back up evidence that the information I was putting down was correct. I was also able to ask for help when I was confused or when I just needed some help. Additionally, I put all of my information into a project that complied with all the requirements. Overall, creating this project required both critical and reflective thinking abilities .

IDS Inquiry Reflection


What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 

My inquiry question is, “How do our childhood experiences affect how we behave.”
Since I last wrote in my Personal Learning Plan, the focus of my IDS project shifted, before it was based more on criminals and what in their life affected them or caused them to do the crimes they have done, now it is based more on how people generally get affected by their childhood experiences or traumas.

How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 

My time management is good overall. I mostly spend time during cent time working on researching for my project and working on it, but on the rare times I have other homework or things to do, I work on my project at home or during flex times to catch up on my research.

What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 

I find that researching using websites on google has helped me with finding useful information that I need. I have also been talking to my friends and some of my teachers to get their opinions and thoughts to help me expand my learning and get their views on my inquiry question.

What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 

A challenge I am currently facing is figuring out how to display my information on PowerPoint and how I am going to organize my information. A challenge I have overcome is finding a question I am interested in and finding sources to use for research.

Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 

The development of Core Competencies I have had throughout this inquiry process probably has to do with the improvement of my communication and thinking Core Competencies. Throughout this process, I have been able to ask for help and advice when I am stuck, use critical thinking skills when looking for information and putting different ideas together, and talk to others and get their views to help me expand my ideas.

How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 

I will share my learning using a PowerPoint that shows what my question is, what I have researched, and the conclusions I have come to. Overall, I think I am on track to share my learning by the end of May or early June.

Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 

I might continue working on this Inquiry/ parts of it for my Capstone project next year because I am passionate about my question and truly interested in learning more about topics similar to it.

Spanish Dialogue Core Competency

During this Dialogue, my group and I were able to successfully communicate with each other to create a Spanish script. My group members and I were able to talk with each other, ask the teacher questions, and listen to each others ideas to create a successful script. My group and I collaborated to brainstorm an abundance of ideas for our script equally. Overall, our dialogue went very well because of how good our communication skills were.