Anatomy and Physiology 12 Core Competency Self-Assessment

This is a picture of our dissected fetal pig


During our fetal pig dissection, I was able to use my communication and collaboration skills to dissect the fetal pig with my group members successfully. Pre-dissection, I was able to actively listen to my teacher’s instructions and ask follow-up questions to get a better understanding of what to do. Throughout the dissection, I worked with my group members to better understand the pig’s anatomy. We discussed/exchanged ideas and shared our opinions and thoughts on where we thought specific organs were. I also worked with my group to come up with a plan to divide our roles so that everyone could contribute equally to the dissection process. Overall, during this lab, I successfully worked with my group members to dissect our fetal pig, identify its organs, and learn more about how the organs worked together to function.

Spanish Dialogue Core Competency

During this Dialogue, my group and I were able to successfully communicate with each other to create a Spanish script. My group members and I were able to talk with each other, ask the teacher questions, and listen to each others ideas to create a successful script. My group and I collaborated to brainstorm an abundance of ideas for our script equally. Overall, our dialogue went very well because of how good our communication skills were.

Chemistry Titration Core Competency Self-Assessment

Titration lab


During this lab, my partner and I were able to communicate and work together to successfully complete this lab. We first started with reading the instructions and understanding it, we then split up the materials and went into the lab and started gathering them. We then worked together to set up our materials and start our lab. When doing the titration lab, one of our trials didn’t receive the right colour, so my partner and I had to work together and strategize so that the rest of the trial could go perfectly. In the end, my partner and I were able to work together, problem solve, and negotiate to successfully finish the lab.


After finishing the lab, I started working on my lab questions and conclusion. I was able to ask questions, look through my notes, and think back to my lab to find out how to answer the question. In the end, I was able to successfully finish the lab and hand it in to be marked.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Refection

Collaboration When Making a Group Script

My Groups Script For Spanish

During My Spanish 10 class, I collaborated with my group to create a script in Spanish. During the making of this script, I was able to work with my group members to try and achieve our goal of writing the script. My group members and I were also able to develop ideas and take on roles and responsibilities when making the script so that everyone did their part. During the script-making, I was also able to encourage my group to share their ideas for writing the script and figuring out how to present it. Overall, during this assignment, I used my collaboration skills to help create a Spanish script.