Chemistry Titration Core Competency Self-Assessment

Titration lab


During this lab, my partner and I were able to communicate and work together to successfully complete this lab. We first started with reading the instructions and understanding it, we then split up the materials and went into the lab and started gathering them. We then worked together to set up our materials and start our lab. When doing the titration lab, one of our trials didn’t receive the right colour, so my partner and I had to work together and strategize so that the rest of the trial could go perfectly. In the end, my partner and I were able to work together, problem solve, and negotiate to successfully finish the lab.


After finishing the lab, I started working on my lab questions and conclusion. I was able to ask questions, look through my notes, and think back to my lab to find out how to answer the question. In the end, I was able to successfully finish the lab and hand it in to be marked.

Art Studio Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking

When making this assignment, I was able to use my creative thinking skills. During the design process, I found inspiration from the environment around me, and formed ideas around them to design this box. When constructing this box, I persevered when things didn’t go my way and regrouped and developed my ideas so I could be successful in following my plan.

Core Competency Self-Reflection


During this assignment, I used collaboration and communication to create a dichotomous key for buttons. When making the dichotomous key, my partner and I worked together to sort the buttons, put them into groups, and name them. My partner and I were also able to negotiate and navigate through misunderstandings, so we could achieve goal of creating the dichotomous key. In the end, My partner and I successfully understood and completed this project.

Research Assignment Reflection


I was able to work with others in my group to complete our project. During this assignment, my group and I worked together to develop ideas we all agreed on for our project. We also all did our share of the project to complete our research assignment.

Creative Thinking

During this project, I listened to my group member’s ideas and built on them. When doing this project, my group and I expressed our opinions and thoughts and built on each other’s ideas when we disagreed. We were also able to negotiate and persevere when we had different ideas.

Critical & Reflective Thinking

During this research project, My group and I analyzed the evidence and made judgments about them. When doing this project, my group and I examined our opinions and beliefs and looked at other people’s views that did not blend with ours. We also reflected on our thinking and looked at the feedback we got from other people.

Core Competency Goals


In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by actively listening when someone else is talking and asking questions to further my understanding of the topic. During discussions I also add on to the conversation by sharing my opinions and thoughts about the topic to get other peoples opinions on it so we can extend our knowledge.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I like to take a break from what i’m doing and allow myself to calm down and re-focus. I also like to get rid of any distractions that may interrupt my focus, this way I can have better focus and concentration on what i’m doing.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include taking breaks when I need them to redirect my focus, on top of that I like to go on runs and hikes to bring up my mood and make me feel better. I also like to socialize with my friends and family to bring up my mood and to create long lasting connections with the people I care about.

Minecraft – Energy Transfer and Transformation


During this project, I utilized my communication skills in a group setting. From the beginning, communication in our group was not the best since we had many technical difficulties with our project. However, I pushed through that difficulty and used my communication skills to successfully share information about energy transfers and transformation and find a way to connect it to my learning.


While creating this project, I utilized my thinking skills to help complete our project. During this project, my group had many setbacks because we had difficulty communicating, but, in the beginning, we were able to form new ideas to create what we needed in Minecraft. We were also able to build on each other’s ideas to finish our project.

Personal/ Social

I was also able to use personal awareness and responsibility to complete this project. When assembling the project, I was very overwhelmed, but I could recognize my emotions and produce strategies to manage them. One of my strategies was to plan out everything I needed to do and the time it would take so that I could plan my schedule around the project and get it completed in time. Overall making and finishing the project was very overwhelming, I was still able to feel proud when I finished.

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Spanish 10 Core Competency Refection

Creative Thinking When Making a Script

My Group Dialog For Spanish

During my Spanish 10 class, I used my creative thinking skills to create a Spanish dialogue with my group. When making the dialogue, I was able to form new ideas and also build on the ideas of my group to create a good dialogue. During the dialogue I was also able to use words and phrases that I have learnt in the past to help me when making the dialogue. There were some setbacks with figuring out what to do for our script but we overcame them and used our creative thinking skills to help develop our ideas. Overall, My creative thinking skills help a lot with making dialogues.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Refection

Collaboration When Making a Group Script

My Groups Script For Spanish

During My Spanish 10 class, I collaborated with my group to create a script in Spanish. During the making of this script, I was able to work with my group members to try and achieve our goal of writing the script. My group members and I were also able to develop ideas and take on roles and responsibilities when making the script so that everyone did their part. During the script-making, I was also able to encourage my group to share their ideas for writing the script and figuring out how to present it. Overall, during this assignment, I used my collaboration skills to help create a Spanish script.