Ceramics 12

An example where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…

When I was planning for my first ceramics piece I thought the glaze would fill into spaces and harden, not soak in. I planned to make all the ice lines scraped out so I could fill it and have it all level, then put a clear coat over it to make it look like ice. I took a risk thinking that would work, when I realized it wasn’t going to work I just persevered and did as best as I could to get my desired outcome. I have now learned glaze doesn’t work like that and have been planning accordingly.

Stock Market: Self Assessment

Curricular Response

1a) My best preforming stock was XIU as its return is +1.67%

b) My worst preforming stock was VOO as its return is -1.44%

2a) My strategy was not risky as I invested in the top 60 companies in Canada and top 500 companies in The United States which means I own small slices of 560 companies so it is pretty diverse and safe.

b) Some steps you can take to mitigate risks is to buy bonds but you get a low return.

3a) My portfolio is pretty balanced as I invested in a lot of different companies and its very diverse.

b) To make my portfolio more balanced I could’ve bought bonds to insure more safety and less risks.

Core Competency Self Assesment

  1. I thought about what would be the least risky and could eventually collect me money. The information i used for this idea was from Mr.Fitz as I missed this assignment.
  2. I would say investing money now is definitely more approachable now that I have an understanding of stocks and bonds.
  3. Something I’ve learned that I changed my mind about is that I used to think stocks were super complicated and hard to understand but I wasn’t even there for the lesson and I was able to pick up on it pretty easy.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why? 

I think our criminal justice system should be more punitive with more rehabilitative opportunities in prisons. Our life sentence is a minimum of 25 years and I believe we should make the minimum longer along with being stricter about the amount of time spent in prison. Many prisoners who received life in prison get out on parole early or right after the minimum time is served and they are let back into society and usually reoffend. Because of this I believe that the minimum should be longer and there should be more rehabilitation in the prisons so if people do get let out early on parole, they are safer to be in society and won’t reoffend.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

I analyze evidence to make judgements by making notes, paying attention, and asking questions. While analyzing evidence you always need to question judgements and statements to further your understanding of the case and so you can educationally predict the decision of the case in the end.

Core Competency Goals

-Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… I miss full days of school or a few classes as I have figure skating training frequently. I must communicate with my teachers through email or in class to let them know I will be away and so I can ask what we are doing in class that day so I can stay caught up and to show I am responsible. I must also communicate with my peers if I am away if we are doing group projects or we are working together as I want to make sure the workload is evenly distributed among us.

-When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well I… When working with new people I try my best to make everyone feel comfortable. I ask their names and their ideas and thoughts, if no one is taking the role of leading the group and trying to get everyone to talk and discuss I will try to prompt everyone in the group. Not knowing the people I am working with has never been an issue for me.

-How do you show that you are listening thoughtfully? In what ways does your listening contribute to your understanding? I show my listening by having my full attention to who is speaking which includes my body facing them, no headphones in, my phone is away and I am looking at them or what is being shown. Listening and paying attention to what is being discussed or taught furthers my understanding as I am taking in everything being said and I actively think and try to make connections with the topic.

-How do you learn best? I believe I learn best when I am in a quiet, comfortable environment with access for help with the topic I am learning if needed. I work best independently but I have grown to ask questions if I need to, something I wasn’t fond of doing in previous years but I have worked on and I am happy where I’m at.

Minecraft – Energy Transfer and Transformation

How efficiently did your group work? I think my group worked efficiently as we did majority of our project outside of school during our free time as Nora and I were sick and were not at school for most of the time we were given to work on our project. Were the behaviors of any of your team members particularly valuable or detrimental to the team? I am not sure if I would say their behaviors were valuable or detrimental. I did majority of the hard/complicated stuff, I just focused on what I needed to do and what was still needing to be done. I believe their behaviors were moderate, nothing substantial. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next group experience? I learned you need patience and everyone had different schedules due to extra curricular activities and two of us being sick, which made getting the project completed a little difficult but I got in done. I will carry on the thought that everyone has different lives and different responsibilities that have to be worked around.