Stock Market: Self Assessment

Curricular Response

1a) My best preforming stock was XIU as its return is +1.67%

b) My worst preforming stock was VOO as its return is -1.44%

2a) My strategy was not risky as I invested in the top 60 companies in Canada and top 500 companies in The United States which means I own small slices of 560 companies so it is pretty diverse and safe.

b) Some steps you can take to mitigate risks is to buy bonds but you get a low return.

3a) My portfolio is pretty balanced as I invested in a lot of different companies and its very diverse.

b) To make my portfolio more balanced I could’ve bought bonds to insure more safety and less risks.

Core Competency Self Assesment

  1. I thought about what would be the least risky and could eventually collect me money. The information i used for this idea was from Mr.Fitz as I missed this assignment.
  2. I would say investing money now is definitely more approachable now that I have an understanding of stocks and bonds.
  3. Something I’ve learned that I changed my mind about is that I used to think stocks were super complicated and hard to understand but I wasn’t even there for the lesson and I was able to pick up on it pretty easy.

Math Self Assessment

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is trigonometry. I really enjoyed the trigonometry unit and I believe I was fairly good at it. I liked that I understood it. By helping the people around me with math I make a positive difference to my peers because they start to understand the math. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I listen to music and sometimes go on a walk. Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in class when I ask questions if needed. I also email my teacher if I am away so I don’t fall behind.