About Me

My Bio

My name is Lauren and Im a grade 9,

Some words that describe me are, Energetic, Motivated, and Determined Some things that I want to get better at this year are speaking french and focusing on my writing skills.

My best courses are Photography and Science and, my most challenging courses are LA and Math

My goals are to graduate early and, become a pediatric specialist after I graduate.

My Favourite Website


Spotify is my favorite website because it lets you listen to all these different songs and podcasts. Whether it’s listening to music while taking my dog for a walk, or listening to a podcast while I fall asleep, it always helps me relax and makes me happy. It’s easy to use and you can listen to any song.

My Favourite video

This is a link to a guy hitting a bird while on a roller coaster. I love this video because at first, he doesn’t know what happened, the bird hit him in the face and then went onto his neck, he felt down to his neck then felt the bird looked down and the bird attempted to fly away and ended up hitting his friend on the shoulder. Whenever I’m sad then I watch this video and I always smile and laugh it shows that even though he got hit by a bird it was still a good time.

My Favourite Picture

Sunshine Coast 2020

This is a picture I took earlier this year at the sunshine coast. I went down to the water to watch the sunset, and since the clouds were in a weird pattern it made the picture look really cool while the sun was setting. You can see the reflection of the sun and a few of the islands in the water.

My favorite quote

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde


Website: https://www.spotify.com/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/

Quote: https://www.goodreads.com/


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