Our Utopian City: WinterCity

I designed this city with Payton and Jack. Our values to create our city were unity, environmentally friendly, family, happiness, and community. In the city you can see unity in people playing in the snow together and having fun. The city was environmentally friends by having lots of trees and not many cars. There were multiple different neighbourhoods around which housed different families. We made sure happiness and mental health was valued, so we added a ski lodge and a park in the centre of town. The last thing our city valued was community which is seen in the many cul-de-sacs around the city. Some symbolic colours that were used in the city were green, white, and blue. The green symbolizes nature with the many trees placed around town. Brightness was symbolized by the white snow everywhere which brightened up the city. Blue was seen on many people’s clothing which symbolized winter.

Communication Reflection

a. Describe what the project is about. What program did you use to create your design?

b. How did you communicate with one another? How did you listen to one another’s ideas and provide one another feedback?

c. What were your responsibilities in the group and how did you make sure each member contributed to the design?

d. How well did you work as a group? Did you use time efficiently together?

e. How were decisions made? Did you face any problems—if yes, how did you solve them?

f. Were you satisfied with the final product? How could you improve on this process for next time?

Our project was to create and design a utopian city. We used the website http://www.citycreator.com/ to create it. If we needed to communicate to each other we could type through the word document, although we never had to because we discussed everything in class. We listened to each other’s ideas when we brainstormed what to do for the design and gave our feedback. My responsibility in the group was to design the city with the values that we brainstormed previously. We made sure each member contributed by having a set job to do and independently working on it. I think we worked well together and we listened to each other’s ideas. If someone had a suggestion, we made sure that we included it in the design. This made decisions easy to make as we used everyone’s ideas and we didn’t face any problems along the way. I was pretty satisfied with the final product and I think it looked nice in the end. However, I do wish there were more characters to use and a way to face the objects another way. I think I could improve in this process for next time if I worked independently because it was pretty easy to do.