About me

My Bio

Hi, my name is Manjot and I love to do many activities. I love to play games and have adventures outside in my back yard with my brother. My hobbies include swimming, youtubing and playing bandminton! My favourite types of food are pizza, french fries and chicken. You may say the following words describe me as me -caring, fun, happy, joyful, enthusiastic, goofy and optimistic. I love animals and never can stand someone being hurt.

My favourite website

https://www.youtube.com/ I picked this website because on youtube I have learned alot of interesting things. Such as help with homework, cooking and learning how to do different projects. I also get tips on how to play certain games and how to youtube.

My favourite video

The reason I picked this video is beacuse my goal this year is to be motivated to study and do my homework. I also picked this video beacuse I motavated my brother to do his homework and study for his quiz. This video is from a youtuber called ProjectElon-Student Motivation, it inspires me to do my best. To set goals and makes me feel like I can also get high grades and reach my goals.

My favourite Picture

The reason I picked this photo is beacuse I love the quote and it makes me believe in myself and not get fustrated. This picture makes me feel like I can achieve anything, if I set my mind to it. I found this wonderful picture on google.found this photo on google.

My favourite quote

“Shoot for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars.”

I found this quote inspiring for me because it makes me believe in myself, myself worth, to keep trying and sometimes one may not reach one’s goal 100% but trying in itself is an A and to be proud of, rather not trying at all.

By Les Brown


Photo- https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/650488739917523957/

