Cooking at home 7

I made pumpkin pie, my sister Molly helped with the filling. It was warm when I tasted it, also very soft. Every holiday me and my family would all get together for dinner, for dessert they’d always made pies, pumpkin pie and another random pie. Last time we all had dinner together as a whole family was about 2 years ago, but that’s for another story. The best part when we had our family gatherings for dinner, was playing ping pong with my older cousins, or aunts. There would be so many different foods, brussel sprouts to turkey and jelly, all sorts. I think most of us looked forwards to the food, it was always so amazing. But my favorite was the pumpkin pie, and that’s why I chose it for this project. A challenge was making the crust, it was difficult to spread it over the pie pan. I would say my greatest success here is the final product, it tasted like the pie we’d eat on holidays. I’m proud of making this and getting it done before dinner (which was fish and chips!).


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