What makes us who we are

I planned for my meal to be… hash browns, scrambled eggs, and a smoothie. The hash browns were thoroughly cooked and salty. The eggs were fluffy and soft. The smoothie I made had a lot of caramel ice cream in it and milk(which drowned out some of the sweetness), I added a little bit of my moms vanilla coffee cream because we ran out of vanilla a week ago, and I forgot about it. I also added some raspberries which made it pink, it was hard to taste the raspberries.

I had nothing to compare my meal with because I made it up, didn’t follow anything. I experimented and it turned out great! I could improve on the size of the hash browns because they were so big and took so long to cook. But I rather have big chunks of hash brown, so I can have a soft, moist hash brown. My knife cutting skills have improved so much over this semester, it takes very little time to cut potatoes, I find it easy(not because of the size I cut it.)

How does this food identify you? Well, the sweet drink I made could represent me by being kind and creative. The hash browns could say that I don’t “Judge a book by it’s cover” because they are all different shapes and sizes. The scrambled eggs can say I don’t have to be just 1 thing, like the eggs could have been in any form and still be the same eggs, just a little bit different taste and form. But it’s still an egg, meaning I could be many things like an artist, a bookworm, animal lover, all different but I’d still be the same person. It represents my culture if you put it this way: I am from many parts of the world, from Germany, Canada, Scotland, altogether it goes well(don’t get technical with me people just don’t); the food is all different, but it goes together and makes 1 good thing.

My parents enjoyed the food I made, I thought the food was good. But now I’ve got no ice cream to eat.

Cooking at home 8

My sister and I made snickerdoodle cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! She requested the cookies to be red, her favorite color. She had reminded me after I mixed everything so I kept over mixing it to make it red. I could improve on my memory of putting the colors in before over mixing. The best success is that it tasted good. On the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, I had thought they weren’t cooked and put it in for an extra 5 minutes, heh, that burnt them. Apparently the cookies were just warm and perfect but I ruined them sort of. Luckily on the snickerdoodle cookies I learned that it was not under cooked but just warm and sticky. Oops 🤭 heheh.

Cooking at home 7

I made pumpkin pie, my sister Molly helped with the filling. It was warm when I tasted it, also very soft. Every holiday me and my family would all get together for dinner, for dessert they’d always made pies, pumpkin pie and another random pie. Last time we all had dinner together as a whole family was about 2 years ago, but that’s for another story. The best part when we had our family gatherings for dinner, was playing ping pong with my older cousins, or aunts. There would be so many different foods, brussel sprouts to turkey and jelly, all sorts. I think most of us looked forwards to the food, it was always so amazing. But my favorite was the pumpkin pie, and that’s why I chose it for this project. A challenge was making the crust, it was difficult to spread it over the pie pan. I would say my greatest success here is the final product, it tasted like the pie we’d eat on holidays. I’m proud of making this and getting it done before dinner (which was fish and chips!).

Cooking at home 6

I made this at like 21:00, and was very tried, I almost forgot to take a photo of it. Anyways, I was board and decided to make brownies after this extremely long day, like it has been more of a long, long week. It didn’t occur to me that I should have waited for it to cool down like the instructions said. Very melt-y and chocolaty, it didn’t taste as chocolaty in the morning, which I decided to give my sisters some, they have know idea there is still some left. Which I’ll eat after this. I doubled the recipe, but not the amount of chocolate chips… that would have been way to much. This filled in my free-time. It was good, glad I snatched a photo of these instructions at school during class time.

Cooking at home 4

I made banana muffins with my youngest sister Molly, who insisted on having chocolate chips on top. It tasted great! The muffins were nice and moist. The banana we used was in our car for at least a week, and it was extremely hard to get it out of its peel, the other banana half we used was just ripe. Molly had done the mixing part (sort of) and retrieving things.

Cooking at home 5

This was a good salad. My challenges were finding the right time to make this, it was a very long week. I made this on Saturday. It tasted like juice when I bit into it, because of how sweet the fruits were. But the food felt slimy, it had bananas to make that effect. My sisters and parents seemed to enjoy this salad. I do not enjoy salads very much, so I will likely not make anymore of this for me, but for other people i can make it.

Cooking at home 3

This is 3/5 of the grilled cheeses I made for my family. No, I did not burn them, its just the lighting and bad angles, my bad. My youngest sister does not like grilled cheese much, at least she ate the apple slices and tried the grilled cheese. My other sister and parents seemed to enjoy it. I do not enjoy it like Molly, but I ate it, I put lots of hard work into this. The end result was good.

Cooking at home 2

So, I cooked this amazing tasting egg. Everything was great, I ate half so far. It needed salt and pepper seasoning so I went on the hunt for salt and pepper when a tragedy happened… my cat sized dog ate my perfect egg. Oh the horror, ha. I’m still annoyed at him, I was so happy till he got it. And I never found the salt and pepper, which is still lost due to this day. It was a good egg. So much effort, and hand shredded cheese.

Cooking at home 1

I made cookies for my family! The cookies were great and my sisters loved them! My youngest sister Molly had claimed she helped make them, but she didn’t, she loves to pretend. Abby, my second oldest sister was very happy to make the cookies disappear. It was fun to make these cookies, even though I forgot to melt the butter. Oops. At least it didn’t affect them to much!

Safety and Sanitation

I made a sunny-side-up egg for this lab, which tasted great. We all took great care to make sure everything was in order. In this egg lab we had safety and sanitation above everything else. Because we had to make sure our eggs were cooked well enough to not have a raw egg. Or an overcooked egg, those are gross. We had to make sure to clean all the dishes we used to touch the eggs extra good (not that we didn’t clean the other dishes well), so the bacteria didn’t grow or to get salmonella. This lab worked out well because we all made sure to get everything clean, and sanitary. A concern would to under cook the egg and get sick.