IDS Inquiry Reflection: March

My groups inquiry question is: “How can an assembly celebrating and educating students on Indigenous history lead towards truth and reconciliation in our school and community.”

So far, our inquiry is running smoothly. We are still slowly working on setting up a solid plan for our Truth and Reconciliation week. Once we have a completed and construct idea of what we are going to present to the school, we will have to get it approved by admin.  

I am proud of our communication skills that we have had to use thus far. As I have stated in the last reflection, we have had to connect with various individuals and groups such as Ms. Razzell and the Cent Show; I feel that we have been quite successful in doing so. 

An aspect I found quite interesting along this journey has been how little students and teachers know about Indigenous issues and history. It was unbelievable how many people, including myself, didn’t know about the 60s scoop which is a major part of Canadian history. 

The biggest challenge we have encountered is that we must have an extremely solid plan as soon as possible because we were given a chance to use money for our project, however, if we don’t spend the money soon, we will not be able to use it. 

As of lately, we have just been discussing this inquiry with Ms. Razzell, as she knows who to contact to help us get credibility and approval for certain ideas. 

I feel that once all my group members come together and collaborate our ideas, we will be able to come to a concise plan, discuss it with Ms. Razzell, then begin to set dates and purchase materials that we will need. 

My Artifact: March Log

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