English First People’s 11

Term 1 Edublog post

Artifact: Find something you did during this class that highlights either your communication, thinking, or personal/social skills.

I chose this for my Artifact because it highlights critical thinking skills to solve problems, and end conlflict.

Create and Communicate: What did you learn about Indigenous themes, issues, or perspectives during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? How will you take what you learned and use it towards working on reconciliation? 

  I learned about a Trickster, which was an entity, it didn’t have a gender, but also had one at the same time. A trickster is a magical yet down to earth. We learned of the story of the Sky woman, and the cultural inaccuracies of Disney’s Pocahontas, and other horror stories from the First Peoples community.

In this Term I used Critical thinking skills by my ability to receive and give feedback on assignments to improve any next assignments I’d have later on in the year.


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