Linear System Group Assignment


Our group needed to

Curricular Response

Some of the mathematical vocabulary words that our group used were slope, which is the steepness and the direction of the line: slope-intercept form, linear system, substitution, addition. When making our Equation we started with a random point and then found had the line go through it with good Y intercepts and then found the slopes to make our equation. We decided to use substitution because one of the equations was easy to change into standard form and the other was already ready to be used. We then decided to get rid of the fractions to make it easier to solve.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group by staying back and watching letting them solve it until they need help and I intervene and help because I understand everything very well. I encourage others to share their voices because I am interested to know how other people learn and solve different equations. I find it easy to be part of a group because everybody in our classroom is very supportive of each other and help each other out if we are stuck on some difficult equations. I am kind to others and support others when they need it because I like to help people when they are struggling to figure something out. I also do this because I know it makes people feel better when they are getting encouraged and if it helps them with their learning skills I think that I should do that.

Linear and Non-Linear Equations

Linear Equations

Example 1


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this is a linear graph. i can tell by the graph because it is a straight line. i can tell from the equation because the x has a exponent of 1.

Example 2


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I can tell this is a linear relation by the graph because it is a straight line, and I can tell that it is a linear relation by the equation because the variables don’t have exponents bigger then 1.

Non-Linear Equations

Example 1

I can tell that this is a non-linear by the graph because its a circle not a line and I can tell from the equation because the x and y have exponents that are not 1.

Example 2

I can tell that this is not a linear relation by the graph because it is not a straight line, and I can tell this is not a linear relation from the equation because the variables have an exponent larger then 1.

Self Assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I used DESMOS to create these graphs with just equations.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I went back to our notes to remember how to tell if it is a linear equation I used the tools I had to my help me with my project.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I had to explain how to recognize if the graph and equation were linear or not.

How I Manage School-related Stress

one emoji that I would put for stress would be that worried emoji because you are usually sad when you are stressed out. when I get stuck on a problem, I have strategies for what to do next. They include taking a break and trying again later or asking for help from someone else. I can prevent some school-related stress by hanging out with friends or playing games on my computer at home. some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include hanging out with friends and eating dinner with my parents. when I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by listening to music, studying more, take a breaks, and study later.