Japanese-Canadian Internment

Mladen Vidovic

During these times I think Japanese individuals in British Columbia Should be separated into internment camps due to many Canadians worrying about an attack from the Japanese because of the recent attack on Pearl Harbor. The first reason to put Japanese people into internment camps is because if Japan were to attack the British Columbian coast, there is a possibility that some may help the attackers because of their heritage and connection to where the attackers are from. Another reason to put Japanese people into internment camps is because many people are very scared of what the samurai do to the doctors and nurses and do not want to have any risk of the same thing happening near them, so to not cause major panic, I think it would be best to separate people with Japanese heritage into internment camps because it just separates people without any problems and reduces the public panic and risk. 


Curricular Competencies

I did assess, understood and explained the significance of the threat of the Japanese army and its out and paragraph.

I did assess, understood and explained the significance of the threat of the Japanese army and its treatment of people it conquered, in British Columbia, in my research handout and paragraph.

I did assess and explained the justification for different views of Japanese-Canadian internment in my research handout and paragraph.

Core Competencies

I did analyze evidence from the research I did and made judgements.

I can now understand and tell, after examining the facts of the possible threat from Japanese-Canadians in Canada and the opinions of various people, the difference between fact and opinion.  

I now understand and can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems effectively and responsibly.







Non-Linear and Linear Equations

Non-Linear Equations

Example 1:

Y = 2ˣ

This is a non-linear equation. I can tell from the graph because the graph is not a straight line and it curves. I can tell from the equation because it has an ‘x’ as an exponent and it does not follow the ‘y = mx + b’ format.

Example 2:

Y = √x

This is a non-linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it is not a straight line and it curves. I can tell from the equation because it has a ‘√’ (square root symbol) and it does not follow the ‘y = mx + b’ format.

Linear Equations

Example 3:

2x – 3y = 12

This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it is only marked on 2 points and visually looks straight. I can tell from the equation because it does not have any exponent symbols and square root symbols and it does follow the ‘y = mx + b’ format.

Example 4:

X = 4

This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it is only marked on 1 point and visually looks straight. I can tell from the equation because it does not have any exponent symbols and square root symbols and it only marks ‘x’ as ‘4’

Self Assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology using the Desmos website I was given through teams.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I inputed 4 equations to show them visually in the Desmos website.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I gave an explanation for each equation explaining why it is linear or non-linear.

Our Utopia City: Newer York

Our Values

Freedom- Freedom is very important to have a happy community. The boat represents our value of freedom well because everyone has the right to travel. Also, everyone has freedom within the city because we are a tolerant and welcoming community that accepts people of all sorts.

Safety- Feeling safe and secure is an important value to the city. The police station located downtown makes sure that the community feels safe and secure everywhere. Trusted people are employed to work at the police station, so they are approachable and can enforce laws effectively. 

Education- The education of future generations is important and in included in our city’s values. The library stands at an area with lots of traffic, so students and passersby can simply pick up a book to read and study. We also provide education to each and every student to make sure that the future of the community is in good hands. 

Family- Family ties are important, and that value is represented in the homes we have built around the city. The homes are medium sized, so families can all live together and stay connected. We chose this value because we believe that long lasting relationships in the family are important. 

Recreation- A community needs some relaxation and recreation to be successful. A golf course was added to make sure that the community is enjoying themselves and having fun. This helps spread the positivity and good vibes throughout the city.  

Communication Reflection

This project is about a utopian society and how we show our values of the society. Me and my partner communicated very, if we needed help we would ask each other and we would try our best to, when a question was asked it was answered almost immediately. In our group we both put an even amount of work, I was in charge of taking screenshots of the buildings in a high definition way and I also came up with a lot of the values, while my partner was in charge of doing most of the writing and he came up with a few values as well. The reason we chose these roles for each other was because my partner is very good with writing, while I am very good at coming up with ideas/values and I have the ability to take pictures with high resolution due to slightly better equipment. My partner and I worked very well, we worked efficiently and quickly. There were only very minor problems that were easily fixable, but if there were problems that one could not fix, the other would most likely help almost immediately. I am extremely satisfied with the final product, I don’t think it could have been done any better.


Minecraft city template: https://www.greenfieldmc.net

My Model Factory Town

Mladen Vidovic 

Creating a model factory/company town: (Information Fluency)  

Creating a model factory/company town: 

 (Information Fluency)  

Name of the town: Benus Venus 

 Company Name: Benus-Venus. Incorporated 

Resources available: Cow meat and Catnip

Elements of the town: Trees, stone, dirt, wheat, water, sand, cows, clay and metal(s) 

 Population: 72 

 Explanation / Brief History: As I walk north following the north star in search of a habitable area, I find a lake and decide to build a civilization. I started with a welcome sign and a tent and then forced lone travelers to work here but we have every you need to live. 

Benus Venus is small town with a population of 72. We sell catnip for pharmaceutical purposes and cow meat to keep workers full as well as sell the cow to butchers. Our cows eat only the best wheat to achieve healthy and expensive meat. In our mines we have most the people collecting coal and the other small amount are collecting metals. We have many neighboring areas such as Raj Town, Wheezers Truckstop and New Burnaby. We don’t pay our workers that much I believe it is $4.32 per hour which is even less than minimum wage, but we do give them wonderful food, a place to sleep and a place to wash up after a long day of work. 

My Reflection

Why did I chose to use Minecraft: I chose Minecraft because a enjoy the versatility it offers and I enjoy building structures. 

-I have been playing Minecraft almost my entire life and although it has gotten boring, I can still play for a good amount of time, I think I have learned just about everything so far, so I know how to use the software and that’s is why I chose a different software. 

-The one software that could’ve done the job is Minecraft and that’s why I chose it but if I had to use a different one it would be the one recommended. 

Pictures: (down to page 7) 

A picture containing grass, outdoor, green, field

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A picture containing grass, green, cake, yard

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A picture containing grass, building, green, sitting

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A picture containing grass, outdoor, table, chair

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A picture containing grass, outdoor, building, green

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A picture containing grass, outdoor, building, field

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A room that has a sign on the side of a building

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A picture containing grass, green, building, small

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A large green field

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About Me

My Bio

 1- My favorite class this year is power technology because my dad wanted to be an engineer when he was my age and wanted to see what was so fun about it! 

2- My most difficult class would be I think socials because I don’t really care for history and government types. 

3- the best way I learn is by myself or with one other person. 

My Favourite Website


I like this website because it has funny videos and it fuels my procrastination. 

Because it has a guy sky diving from space! 

My favorite image: 

I like this image because it’s my grandmas summer house in Bosnia and we usually go there almost every year but we couldn’t this year. 

My Favourite Quote

I need loyalty, I expect loyalty. 

-Donald J, Trump 

