Core Competency Self-Assessment


Artifact: Rube Goldberg machine that cleans golf balls.

In science class, we had to create a Rube Goldberg machine in 2 days. My partner and I had a lot of ideas and we just combined multiple things until something worked. I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

Rube Goldberg machine:
– A nerf gun shoots a bullet at the toy car stationed at the top
– The car goes down the ramp and rams the wooden block
– The wooden block falls and hits the golf ball moving it
– The golf ball rolls downwards and hits the weight.
– The weight hits the sponge into the cup of water and the golf ball rolls into the cup.

End result.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection


My Artifact: Ongoing Spanish conversation with classmate.

I displayed my collaborating skills by creating a conversation in Spanish with a classmate. We communicated with each other on how we wanted our Spanish conversation to go and we both did our share of the assignment. We used our time working effectively, finishing around 70% of the assignment the first day. My partner and I have already started practicing our lines as this conversation assignment will have to be presented in front of the class.

Core competency Self-Assessment

Reflection on Social awareness and Responsibility

Genetics Unit – Beginning

I can value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for issues, and interact ethically with others.

What are some pros and cons of knowing what your genes are? Who should or should not have access to that information?

Genes are the reason every person is unique, they control your appearance and how your body works. Identifying diseases and health risks that run in your family is easier by understanding your family’s genes. The people who should have access to your genes are healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses, etc. Healthcare providers can use your family’s genes to help treat disorders and diseases, it also helps them prescribe medicines. You should share your disorders and diseases to people you know or work with so they provide support to you whenever they can.

What Makes You, YOU | AMNH