English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

My Trickster Response Assignment

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: What did you learn during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills?

During this assignment, I learned about an important type of character used in Indigenous storytelling called the Trickster. I learned about the important role that the trickster plays in storytelling, as well as the lessons that this character can teach through their antics. I grew in my writing and representing skills during this assignment because I was able to communicate my thoughts and interpretations of the Trickster through a paragraph response effectively and concisely. I practiced taking my ideas that were represented in a concept map and communicating them through writing. I was also able to structure and organize my writing to emphasize the points that I wanted to highlight in my work.

Core Competencies Reflection


During this assignment, I practiced my skills in drawing conclusions and making connections based on different texts and seeing patterns in these texts that would help to support an argument. I read two different texts and listened to an oral story about Tricksters and used this information to create my interpretation of the purpose of the Trickster in storytelling, as well as the lessons that the Trickster in each story was passing on. I also created a concept map while absorbing these stories and used the map to assist me in completing my assignment. Next time I complete an assignment similar to this, I would talk to other members of my group and compare their interpretations with my own so that I can have a wider, more diverse understanding of my topic. 


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