Chemistry 11 Core Competency Self Assessment

My Atomic Theory mini quizzes

I can reflect on my thinking. I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when I was writing my quiz. I looked back into when we were writing our notes in class and tried to piece the information together. I would compile all the information I had. And then I was confident in my thinking I would draw together a conclusion and write my answer down.

Chemistry 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

I will be reflecting on my Safety Lab from the beginning of this semester. 😄


Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in when I was explaining to my peers about where to find the Bunsen burners.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include when I had to find specific beakers and flasks in the super lab.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking helpful and thoughtful questions and using tools to better my understanding.