Digital Footprint

(I tried to use Sway to make it look like an infographics template, but it won’t let me embed it. If the link doesn’t work, I can go to the tech center on Monday and get help. I wrote down all of the information that was supposed to be on Sway for clear evaluation in case Sway doesn’t open).

Digital Footprint

57 percent of the whole population has access to the internet and probably use it every single day. Every time you search something up on google or post videos or pictures on social media, you leave something behind called a digital footprint. Digital footprints are basically anything that you do that gets permanently left on the internet unless you or someone delete it, kind of like a search history. We normally don’t care about digital footprints, but they reveal a lot about us. Its important to care about your digital footprint because sometimes, people might judge you because of what you searched online (although its bad to judge people). Sometimes, organizations might track your digital footprint and sell it to another company for its commercial values and you have no way of stopping it. In worst case scenario, your digital footprint can be used to commit crimes such as identity theft.

I wasn’t surprised when I searched my name on google and found no information about myself. I only found my Instagram account after I typed my name with quotation and this counts as a cautious sharing of information. Judging by how little my I was exposed online, I think I’ve been keeping my digital footprint pretty clean. I feel confident about not leaving any personal digital footprints because I use common strategies to protect myself from being exposed on-line. For example, I set all of my social media to private and I only post or comment online if I am okay if the whole world sees it.

Judging by how little I was exposed online, I don’t think my digital footprint will have a bad impact on my future. I usually only post photography stuff on my social media. This would be helpful if I wanted to become a photographer, because my employers will know that I at least have some experience in photography and that would boost my chances of being hired. If my family saw my social media account, they would probably want me to take photography lessons so I can grow my talent and turn it into a career.

How do I protect my digital footprint?

1. Don’t post or comment online if you are not okay with people that you know seeing it:

Its almost impossible to not have any digital footprint if you are using the internet frequently. Whether you like it or not, some of your digital footprints will be exposed without you even knowing it. For example, your employer will probably check your digital footprint to see what kind of a person you are and that will impact your chances of getting hired or not. In case these things happen, you should always be okay to share your digital footprint with others.

2. Set your social media account to “friends can view only”

Even though its sometimes tempting to turn your social media account to public to make your posts get seen more, this will create a huge digital footprint. Random strangers will be able to look at your personal lives anytime they want. Your digital footprints on social media can even help criminals commit identity theft and kidnapping. You should make sure only the people that you know and trust can see your post.

3. Monitor your own digital footprint

Lets be honest. No one really pays attention to our digital footprints and sometimes we even forget about how much our information are being exposed on the internet. Its really important to monitor how much your digital footprint has been exposed online. Try searching your name on google and see if any information about you shows up. If there is too much information about you, you may want to start deleting some of your personal information before its too late.