Creative Writing 10

my writing

Core Competency Reflection

I used creative thinking when I wrote this story because I needed to be creative with the writing. I think that I did well with the creative writing because I was very descriptive with the story. I also used it when I was thinking of a title for the story.

I used communication when I asked Mr. Wallace a question during the assignment because I did not know what to do in a certain part of the story and where to hand it in.

I used critical thinking when I am typing this Edu blog out because I need to reflect on what I wrote. I also need to be critical of my work and think of it in different ways so I can use 3 different prompts.

A goal that I have going forward is I want to get better at writing. I wan t to get better at writing because.

Math 10 FPC Self Assessment

I think I progressed in the course when I was able to do well. I showed this when i did well on tests and worked on homework. I think I improved on my word problems because I could find what I was looking for but in math 9 I did not so that was something I improved on during the semester. Some areas I still need to work on for next year is my work habits.

Some goals I set for myself were getting a passing grade and I met this goal. Another goal I had was to learn some more of the exponents. Before this class I did not know what to do with a cubed number. But after this course I did. I also learned how manage my time better to do home work. for example I was busy one night when I had homework. So I did the homework during the school day before I got home.

One thing I think I did better this semester was being able to manage homework from all the classes. I can use this in my next math course or any course by using my time management skills I learned in this course.

no I don`t think I have any questions about the course.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Feeling Emoji:

See the source image
“Download Transparent Background Happy Emoji Png – Free PNG Images.” TopPNG, Accessed 20 June 2022.

Health and Wellness Core Competency Reflection

Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include participating in all the games and trying my best to be the best in the class.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include staying active at home.

I make ethical choices such as passing the ball in order to make sure that everyone can play in the game that we are playing in PE.

Some of my traits/ skills that make me a leader in the area of physical and/or mental health include me trying to get everyone to play in the game. That way everyone is happy!

My goal for next year:

My goal for next year is to do my best and keep trying my best for the semester. i would like to do better than my grade this year because I think that that would be a good goal for me.

Core Competency: Communication

My Digital Photobook

My photobook is about cats. It has eight pages tell whoever is reading it. The first page tells you why I like cats. The second page tells you about cats. The third page shows you some cat facts. On the fourth page I share my favorite breeds of cats with you. The fifth, sixth and seventh tells you about my cats. And then the eighth tells you about why cats make good pets. It has some very nice pictures of cats in it too. In a safe and supported environment, I respond meaningfully to communication from peers and adults. I did this by speaking out loudly and to the whole class. A challenge was presenting because I find it kind of scary when presenting even to a small group of people. This skill is important in everyday life because you need to know how to talk to people to make friends and it is a useful skill to have.

Immigration and BNA board game

Here is a picture of my board game.

This post is a reflection of the board game I made in Mr. Oriel’s socials 9 class. The board game is about of people come over to b British north America which is now known as Canada. In the board game when you are going over to Canada you can get a disseise on the boat because that was common because lots of people were crammed in on the boat because most of the people were poor. It is made to look like England and British north America because most of the people who came to British north America were English. By landing on different spots, you could get resources. The first to settle in British north America wins.

My board game looks like a map of England on the right and British north America on the left. It is designed to look like a map because this way you can sail across the ocean to British north America. The blue spots on the way there to BNA are sicknesses. This simulates how dangerous to get to BNA. The ships were called coffin ships because it was so dangerous.

I can form new ideas to create new things I showed this by make up the boardgame by myself and getting the idea to make the board a map. this way you can sail from England to BNA.

I can develop a body of creative work over time by working on the board game over time and colouring it to make it look better and more like a map. i also put a sea monster on it too.

Digital Footprint

I used Canva to create this poster

Personal/Social Core Competency Self-Assessment

I make digital and ethical choices such as thinking before I post something online in order to stay safe and keep my digital footprint positive.

By doing the practice of thinking before posting online, I make a positive difference to my peers.

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a heathy/balanced presence include thinking before posting.

Works cited

Meal Planning Assignment


Problem: the purpose of this assignment is to make a meal plan by communicating with our group members and making logical choices on what, who, and when people are cooking.


This is the table that I used to plan the assinment. This is the solution to the problem.


We have chosen 6:30 every night because this time the whole family is home at this time. the reason that we are doing this when everyone is home is because it is better for everyone to eat at the same time as a family.   

On Monday Teen 2 is making grilled cheese sandwiches because grilled cheese is an easy food to make, and Teen 2 does not have much experience in the kitchen.  

On Tuesday we chose teen 1 to make this because it is a medium difficulty dish, and they have lots of time before dinner.  

On Wednesday teen 2 is cooking because they have lots of time. This is an excellent choice because teen 2 can cook medium dishes. 

On Thursday parent 1 is cooking because this is a medium dish and teen 2 has already cooked twice so parent 1 is going to cook this dish. This is an excellent choice because parent 1 has time on this day.  

On Friday parent 2 is cooking because they have lots of time and parent 2 can cook well, plus they have lots of time.


Collaboration Reflection

We shared info by typing it out and using our words to communicate and share our ideas. Technology was helpful because we were able to share the same word document and it would update in real time. It was difficult at first because there were conflicting changes, but then we smoothed out those problems and got to work. The way we gave each other tasks was by putting that on top of the document on the first day. The tasks I completed were the justifications, part of the table, the references, and the problem. You can see evidence of me doing this because you can see my writing style and grammar. Plus, in class you could see me typing lots.

Self Assessment: Collaboration and Critical Thinking.

I know the group is working well together when I hear their keyboards typing and they are not talking. and i could see them on the word document that i sared with them.

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to make sure that they are doing the right work and if they are not doing it right, i will leave it and show the teacher if it is right or wrong.

Others find my feedback useful because I tell it to them loudly and clear.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I chose to use Abir’s idea instead of mine when we were chooseing what kind of food we were going to use for the project.

math 9 core compentency self reflection

creative thinking

An example of when I built of of my own ideas was when I was doing the journal for the order of opeations unit. When good ideas were not coming to me, I took a break and did somthing else for a little bit, and then I went back to the math. I spent a lot time on the daily assignments and put a good amount of effort into them.

core competancy self reflection social studies 9


i did well on the comunication par of the project because i think that i can answer the questions in detail by useing big words to describe it and i kept eye contact most of the time. i also think that i spoke very loudly because everyone understood me. i could have done better by preparing more because it would have been better to have a picture even though i did a good job describing it.

Critical & Reflective Thinking

I did well making judgements on my project. I think that i also took constuctive critisisum well. i can reflect on my thinking.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

 Social Awareness & Responsibility in BCA 12

I can properly demonstrate responsibility by not cheating. A challenge was trying to guess what the other persons drawing was. I learned that if some one lies that lie can change the final project. I can use this in everyday life by trusting groupmates to do their part of the work. this is important because you need to learn how to let people trust you. In this assignment I demonstrated Social Awareness & Responsibility by working together to pass down the word using pictures drawn of Microsoft word. We did this by working on a picture on everyone’s computers. We had to be responsible to not cheat and we had to be socially aware because we had to guess what people’s drawings where.