Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Assessment 

 Curricular Response

I used an image of a boat docked on the east coast to represent Europeans colonizing Turtle Island. The quote “An arrow don’t compare with the White men’s musket” speaks about the oppressive nature of the settlers and their ability to seize land without the consent of the original inhabitants. The meaning of my quotation emphasizes the defenseless position in which indigenous people found themselves as Europeans colonized their land without consent or regard.
Core Competency Self-Assessment
This assignment wasn’t difficult as I utilized my knowledge from my First Nation 12 class to think of ideas and messages to convey. In addition to utilizing historical research and personal reflections, this allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and broader perspective for the assignment. I focused on colonization and selected images associated with this theme, such as boats symbolizing Europeans docking on Indigenous land, houses representing settlers, and a person with a musket representing their oppressive capabilities. Then, I found lyrics within the given song that best aligned with each specified image.

Conics Project:  Desmos Self-Portrait 

To begin this project, I start with a parabola on the lower half of my face. I reflected that parabola off the x axis and horizontally stretched it to fit my face shape. Finally, I added restrictions to make it fit. This procedure continues to the middle of my face, but with no reflection and a horizontal stretch instead. I made it tighter by using horizontal compression and then fitting restrictions. Finally, I applied an ellipse to the upper portion of my face. I modified the horizontal and vertical compression/expansion of the ellipse to perfectly fit the previously mentioned parabola. For my lips, I used two parabolas, one of which reflected off the x axis. I used a simple constant function ,”y = 2.4″ with restrictions to fit for the lip seal. My eyelids are next. I used two parabolas, but scaled them down. I copied the equation but added a reflection of the y axis for my left eye for symmetry. I used a circle function but scaled down the pupil for my pupil and iris. I used constraints to make my pupil fit the eyelids. I used two radical functions and one parabola function to create my eyebrow. To transfer the functions to my left side, I added reflections to the y axis on it. I used several functions on my hair. This includes parabolas, linear functions, and ellipses. This was done to match the various sections of my hair. It was the most aggravating part because I had to fiddle with the reflections and transitions to trace my hair. I used multiple functions on both my nose. To begin, I used a hyperbola on the nose bridge. The left and right major sections of the nose were formed next. I made use of the circle, ellipse, and sin functions. For my nostrils i used an inequality to add depth. Unlike my eyebrows or eyes, I couldn’t reflected it off the y axis to make it symmetrical and decreasing the workload. I had to start over, which was inconvenient. Shading and coloring completed the graph. The most difficult and time-consuming task. To fit and fill in with color, I used inequalities and restricted each function. The majority of the process was trial and error because some functions did not fill in due to their restrictions. This process necessitated the use of tutorial videos, but I was able to accomplish the task. To wrap up it off, I added some finishing touches such as a black outline for my face and black opaque hair. This project was difficult with all the tracing and fitting, but it was rewarding to see how functions can express one’s creativity.

Residential School Survivor

Listening to Shane John and Wesley Scott’s presentation was very interesting. They gave us an opportunity to learn more about their own experiences with residential schools. It surprises me how different their experiences were compared to the information we learned during class. More traumatic and horrifying than expected. They used examples to make it more impactful. Like Shane using the microphone to display noises and objects to visually showcase . It was also similar to the information we learned. They used examples to make it more impactful. For example, Shane’s dad The physical and mental effects of residential school followed him throughout his life. Resulting in alcoholism and behavior to his family. Aspects of positive personal and cultural identity were not shown. No sense of  exhibiting a sense of self-worth, self-awareness, and positive identity to become confident individuals during his experience in residential schools. Punishment was the result of engaging in traditional practices or even having any social interaction with another in order to prevent any cultural identity. Overall, this experience was very informative and I felt it deepened my understanding of the everlasting effects of residential schools.

Core Competency: Communication

 My Digital Photobook

I demonstrated the profile “I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately.” I did this by attaching appropriated images when talking about a topic. To connect with the audience, i use stories and examples from my own experience and include them0 in my content. An obstacle presented itself during the initial states of the project. I was having difficulties planning the content and topic of the project. I find communication a valued skill for everyday life because it grants you the ability to express your ideas freely and clearly to others.

Mon autobiographie


Curricular Competency Reflection

In order to freely express myself I look back towards old lessons and notes for reference. And isolating words suited for my vocabulary. Conjugating chosen words was easy with past notes. I had some obstacles along the way but was solved with the help of my peers. Words not accessible within my notes resorted to me using translation sites. Adjusting myself to French was difficult at first. I didn’t have any access to notes, references, or translation sites. I imagine being in a different country with no knowledge or tools very difficult. Attempting to make conversations or asking for directions would be near impossible.

Core Competency Reflection


My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include recollecting past experiences and formatting them into the French language. With the helps of past lessons, notes, and translation services.

Creative thinking

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I look back on past assignments as inspiration to advance the development of my ideas. Looking at the assignments of peers as reference helps me develop my ideas to further continue with an obstacle

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, taking a break off an activity helps me be more productive or calm. I would like to take a walk, cook , or talk with others to take off my mind off things and recollect my thoughts.

My goal

I’m currently working on communicating clearly and purposefully. My reason being is that i want to freely express myself with the French language without depending on tools. So i can speak swiftly in the French community. In order to achieve this goal, I familiarize with the language by practicing conjugation, past tense, and vocabulary until the information gets engraved into my memory.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in BCA 12

I demonstrated Social awareness and responsibility by building a relationship and contributing to community. In this email, I build a professional relationship with a potential business partner. I was aware and respectful of presenting my goals that will benefit both parties – an example of core competency. Taking responsibility of decisions that could impact my business partner and myself negatively or positively. An challenging obstacle when working on my core competency was planning how could I present myself professionally in this email and present my goals. An important skill learnt was how i could acquire my goals and planning how other people could benefit from helping me. An essential skill is important and could be applied in every day life when I negotiate or bargain with people. Raising the chances of success when both parties get what they want.

My Digital Footprint

Question 2- Google yourself

When i googled myself, nothing that relates or have connections about me shows up. Absolutely nothing. Not my social media, family members, past record, nothing at all. The search results were over-flooded with pictures of Donald Trump and other politicians that’s no where near relating to me. I even narrowed the search as to putting down my age, city, and other information about me. But nothing about me shows up. I was expecting just a old picture of me posted by my family member, but that also didn’t show up. I wasn’t all that surprised since not alot of pictures of me is posted on the web, nor any information either.

Question 3- Reflect on your digital footprint

My digital footprint won’t be much of a impact later in life. The reason why is that i don’t post or share any inappropriate or hateful pictures that are related to me ,or show any personal information about me. If someone , lets say my employer is researching and finding any inappropriate or hateful pictures that i posted, it won’t probably be there. There might be pictures of me posted by my school, family, or friends that just shows me having fun or such. I also sometimes make sure the person who is posting or sharing that don’t leak any private information or anything false that may ruin my image later in life, and blur out my face if needed to.

Question 3- Five C’s, Control of identity and Cautious sharing of information

I chose control of identity and cautious sharing of information because my reflect on my digital footprint was exactly this. What i just said above was a example of controlling my identity and caution of sharing information. I make sure any pictures that i am in or relates to me doesn’t have false information and showing something that i don’t want to be seen in the web. I also double check with myself or others that a post of such is appropriate to be seen on the web.

Question 3- How might your exiting digital footprint affect your future opportunities. :Post-Secondary School Applications, Job and Career Prospects

Like i just said, my digital footprint won’t be much of a impact later on because of how little info about me on the web. Any Job interview, career, and etc won’t be effected by my exiting digital footprint.

le’Parobore City Design

My peers and i made a utopia called Le’Parobore. Peter, James, and I all believe in order, law, Justice, peace, and freedom in our utopia.

City information

Le’Parobore translates to peace through strength in Latin, which is our national motto. Our symbolic colors include red for strength, blue for determination, and white for peace to resemble the motto.


To provide law, justice, and order we provide strong National defense, along with a police force to enforce the safety of all civilians. Citizens have the power to wield a small firearm and can only be used for self protection or crime prevention. However, this is limited to one’s legal record.

To represent peace and freedom, Freedom of speech, religion, and the press is guaranteed at all cost to both citizens and non citizenship residents of the city. Citizens organized or participant in a rallie/protest against the government or such. All types of rallies/protest are legal and must be protected by the law. However any rallies/protest that contains hair against a certain group or violence can be suppressed with non lethal method by the law.

My Tribute Costume

A little about me.

Well I’m a quiet, lazy, and kind person. My 2nd language is Vietnamese, although i can only speak a few words, i can understand almost anything the person is saying. I like to relax in my free time by playing games, sleeping, or I’ll find something to do to pass time.I enjoy some sports like badminton and swimming, though i kind of suck at it. I have a little sister who’s quite annoying and two careful parents. Sometimes during the weekends, I go out and swim for fun with my family and friends. During the Sundays, I’ll be forced to go out with my family to have “fun”, with them., and it which ruins my day off.

My Costume consist of a M65 jacket, waterproof pants, tactical boots, and winter gloves.

Skills that will help me in the hunger games-

I don’t really have any special and unique skills, but i can endure being on a empty stomach for a reasonable amount of time. And my small size can help me with mobility and enemies will have a hard time getting a hold of me.


Question 1: What is innovative about your visual representation?

Well i wanted to make a costume that is more based on helping me survive, so i picked a simple and effective costume.

Question 2: How did you generate and develop your ideas while working on this project?

I checked every clothing option and i wanted to make a costume that is useful in survival and non fancy looking. This is the final result that i’m happy with.

Question 3: What did you enjoy about your visual representation?

I enjoyed testing and fooling around with the character creator making ridiculous avatars with my peers. At the end, i chose to pick things that i like and will benefit me in survival.

Question 4: What would you improve on for next time?

I think i should work and improve on my paragraph, since i forgot until the last day, and had more homework piled up.

Question 5: What did you learn about your creative ability during this process?

My creative abilities are very weak, that resulted with me thinking very hard, unless i had some time to think. In this assignment i got inspired by my peers and created this tribute costume. So, i learned that my creative abilities needs some improvement.