About Me

My Bio

Hello, my name is Jaden. I’m in grade 9 and some interests I have include video games and sports. I like to watch all 4 of the major sports leagues which include hockey, basketball, football, and baseball, and like to chat with friends. I do not like reading a lot, I get lost a lot when I do, and I like listening to music. I am so far really enjoying the new school year which is a good thing and also really enjoy school in general since I have a good amount of friends that go to my school. I’m planning on getting involved in some school activities soon. My favorite subjects so far is drafting and math. My most challenging course is Socials because I’m finding it hard. My Goals so far for grade 9 is to improve a little bit in every subject, which I think I’m starting to do.

My Favorite Website


I chose this site because it’s the place I watch videos of many types. My favorite types of videos include gaming video’s and just entertainment videos.


It applies to me because I want to be smarter and wiser but at the same time be funny.

My Favorite Image


Most of my favorite sports are on this image, such as football basketball, baseball, and hockey. I also played baseball and I enjoyed it a lot.

My Favorite Quote

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.

Helen Keller

I chose this quote because it describes how you chose your life, if it will be a very adventurous life or if it will be basic and boring.
