Core Competency Self-Reflection: Precalculus 12

Option 3 – Personal Awareness and Responsibility

In this course I have worked hard to ensure that I was performing at my best throughout the semester. I have done this by creating study sheets, reaching out for help from peers, and setting goals for myself. A goal that I have set for myself is to spend 30 mins a night to work on questions from my workbook. I have been able to keep up with this goal for the most part. Unfortunately I suffer from migraines that occur often which prevents me from being able to study as it is very painful. In future math courses I plan to break up my studying in order to have more time to study when I’m migraine free. My studying habits haven’t been the best and it’s something I will work to improve upon. Another area I plan to improve upon is managing my stress levels. I get very stressed out about tests and that is a trigger for my migraines. The day of a test my stress levels are very high and I haven’t found a successful way to manage my stress. This is something I plan to improve on in my future courses in university.


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