Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection


In this mind map I demonstrated my critical thinking skills. I did this by connecting the disorder I chose to a song that reflected this disorder. I ensured that the song I picked accurately depicted the symptoms and emotions of a person with this disorder. Another way I showed my critical thinking skills is by using different perspectives in psychology to give an explanation for the causes and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. I decided to use a humanistic, evolutionary, and behaviorism approach. In order to accurately describe GAD I had to take my prior learning, analyze it, then make an appropriate judgement on how GAD can be viewed in psychology.


I utilized my communication skills when creating this mind map. I did this by presenting my information in a clear and organized way. I made sure that my map was easy to read and follow by having a simple layout and headings over every box. This shows my communication skills because I am able to place my ideas into well worded sentences and paragraphs for my audience to read. This ensure that my audience is able to grasp the ideas that I’m presenting and gain a better understanding of the topic of GAD.


During this assignment I demonstrated my personal awareness and responsibility skills. I did this by working to inform myself about issues surrounding me. In this case the issue at hand was psychological disorder. The one I chose to learn more about was GAD because it is a very common disorder that many individuals suffer from. By learning about this disorder I am able to better understand what some people may be going through on a daily basis and how I can help them. It also gave me a better insight when talking about not judging a book by its cover. I learned that not everyone is comfortable with disclosing their personal struggles so we cannot judge them based oof what they display until we are better informed about who they are and what they may be going through.

Research Assignment Reflection

Core Competencies

In my psychology research assignment I demonstrated many core competencies including communication, collaboration, and thinking skills. I used communication to understand and share my research in a clear and organized manner. I took my time in analyzing the results to our survey with my group to ensure that we present our assignment in the most logical way. I used collaboration skills to work with my group members. I ensured that I completed my share of the work and encouraged my group to complete their share as well. Lastly, I used critical and creative thinking over the course of this assignment. When creating our survey questions I thought outside of the box on different ways to word our questions to generate the most accurate responses. In order to draw conclusions from our survey results I needed to consider all the possibilities of what our research indicated.

Core Competency Reflection- Titration Lab

In the titration lab 20c I demonstrated my communication skills. This lab was very tedious and required a lot of communication between my partner and I. By assigning certain roles and discussing the procedure with my partner we were able to be successful in this lab. We constantly were sharing our opinions in a respectful manner to ensure we both were able to complete all the necessary techniques in the lab. Using these skills we were able to successfully use a pipette, add NaOH dropwise into HCl, and adding in half drops of NaOH into the HCl. Without calmly and politely communicating with my partner we would not have been able to obtain a light pink liquid which can be seen in the above photo. This lab allowed me to improve and build on my communication skills.

French 11 Movie Posters

A Bugs Life Movie Poster

Communicating and Collaborating

In creating my French movie poster I demonstrated my ability to communicate and collaborate with my partner. I did this by communicating with my partner about what portions of the project we felt that we’re strongest in. This aided in ensuring our project went smoothly and was done to the best of our ability. We used our collaboration skills to develop an in depth summary of our movie and brief description of of the characters. We worked well both independently and together by building off each others ideas and strengths. We ensured that we listened to each others ideas and opinions. By doing this we were able to expand on our knowledge and understanding of the expectations and details needed for the poster. Using our communication and collaboration skills we were able to create a very creative and engaging movie poster.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

Attached above is my Marrow Thieves Essay I completed on the theme of family.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

In this essay, I demonstrated aspects of comprehending, connecting, creating, and communicating competencies. Firstly, I used my comprehension skills to understand the themes and big ideas of the novel. Then I made connections to the themes in the book and my personal experiences. I used the competency create and communicate to form the structure of my essay and communicate the connections I made to the novel. In order to complete this assignment thoroughly I used all of the circular competencies. During this novel, I learned the importance that family has for Indigenous peoples. I explored the ideas of culture bringing family together and creating inseparable bonds. I am going to use my learning toward reconciliation by creating connections with Indigenous peoples.

Core Competencies Reflection

In my Marrow Thieves essay, I used my thinking skills more specifically my critical thinking skills to complete this assignment. One way I demonstrated this was by analyzing evidence I found in the book and using it to create connections with my personal life. I used my critical thinking skills to make deep-rooted connections inside and outside of the novel. Another way I used these skills is by overcoming obstacles such as writer’s block and time limits. Overall, I used many aspects of critical thinking to complete this essay to the best of my ability.

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact

Curricular Competency Reflection

Create and Communicate

My characterization infographic allowed me to build on my representing and connecting skills. This assignment allowed me to have creative freedom when representing my learning and understanding of characterization. Through this project I learned how authors use different scenarios to develop a character’s values, culture, beliefs, and personality. The character I reflected on was Jason from “A Mountain Legend” I was able to gain an understanding about Jason’s insecurities when it came to his Indigenous identity. I demonstrated this knowledge in an organized way using colours, pictures, and words to convey my thoughts.

Core Competencies Reflection


My characterization infographic challenged my creative and critical thinking skills in many ways. While developing my characterization chart for Jason I used my critical thinking skills to draw connections from the story to the descriptive words I chose. This project encouraged me to make deep connections with Jason and his personality. Using my creative thinking skills, I demonstrated a deeper understanding of my character using different layouts, photos, text, and colours. Overall, this project allowed me to build on my creative and critical thinking skills.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking

Throughout the process of creating my button dichotomous key I used critical thinking in order to problem solve, analyze the buttons, and improve through feedback. This assignment challenged my problem-solving skills because many of the buttons couldn’t fit into certain categories, or we were stuck when deciding what words to use to separate/describe the buttons. As an example, we were unsure of what to call the shanks on the shank buttons. We tried to use our problem-solving skills to analyze the buttons and create a name for the shanks based off their shape. I found that starting the dichotomous key challenged me the most because I didn’t fully understand the way the chart was supposed to flow. My partner and I began on our key the way we thought made the most sense, but we asked for some feedback on the proper organization that the chart was supposed to have. After gaining our feedback we developed our chart to include the proper formatting and flow. The feedback that we gained was crucial in the process of completing our key to the best of our abilities. Overall, the creation of our button dichotomous key challenged my problem-solving skills and encouraged my growth as a critical thinker.

Core Competency Goals

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music or participate in something active.

One of my goals for this year is to find new ways that i am able to boost my mood or re-focus. As of now I have two main activities when I need a boost of happiness. Unfortunately I know that I am unable to do these activities during school when I need to focus. Throughout class I’m unable to get up and go for a walk or listen to music during certain moments. In order to stay focused and happy during school I am going to find accessible ways to do so. I am going to do this by keeping track of what keeps my in a good mood throughout the day, keep a log on what points I felt like I needed to refocus, and reflect on my day to see what I can improve for the following day.

What makes you want to get new ideas or try something new?

The main thing that makes me want to generate new concepts and trying new things is my peers. I find my peers to be very influential on my learning. Talking and creating with peers inspires me to make and think of more creative ideas. They can help push me to try something that I never though of doing before. An example of this, is when my friend from middle school who I was working on a group project with came up with an idea that was totally outside of the box. She wanted to go above and beyond the expectations of the project but I wasn’t sure if it was a good plan. She assured me that we would be fine and we might as well try it. I was able to build off of her ideas and together we made an amazing project that our teacher and peers loved. My goal for this year is to build on these skills that I possess to grow and improve as a learner.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by researching all sides to every story and encouraging others around me to share their ideas and opinions.

Recently in English class I learned about the importance of hearing every perspective to a story. I found out that it’s very easy for details to get lost or twisted in history. I feel that it’s very important to not jump to conclusions or judge a story if you haven’t been well educated in all sides of it. My goal for this year is to take extra care and time when researching historical events to ensure that I am not missing anyone’s voice or perspective. I will work on this during school and outside of school when taking with those in my community.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Thinking CC

For my core competency self-assessment, I chose my infographic to represent the thinking core competency. During this assignment, I used analyzed evidence to create educated predictions on the character’s thought process. When writing the information on my infographic I reflected on my choices to determine whether or not they were fitting for the character to say. I started out this project using a template, I then made it my own by using various shapes to make the infographic pleasing to the eyes. I found it challenging at times to find pictures that related to the topic. Throughout this challenge, I keep persevering to find the best picture to fit the topic. Overall, I practiced my critical and creative thinking skills to complete this project.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE

Me Card Poster Project

Once we completed our me cards, we presented them to the class. Presenting my project allowed me to participate in a class activity to connect with my peers. While my peers were presenting their projects I was attentive, positive, and respectful towards them. I was aware that any disturbances and comments are unnecessary actions that were disrespectful to my class mates. When listening to others present their projects I found it challenging to sit still and stay alert. I knew that if I focused hard enough I’d be able to push through in order to be respectful. These presentations taught me that I have to work on my active listening skills. This is an important life skill because in order to fully comprehend what is being talked about you need to be actively listening. To practice this skill, whenever my teachers are lecturing and I start to feel bored I am going to regroup by taking deep breaths. Once I regroup I will be able to continue to actively listen.