Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE

Me Card Poster Project

Once we completed our me cards, we presented them to the class. Presenting my project allowed me to participate in a class activity to connect with my peers. While my peers were presenting their projects I was attentive, positive, and respectful towards them. I was aware that any disturbances and comments are unnecessary actions that were disrespectful to my class mates. When listening to others present their projects I found it challenging to sit still and stay alert. I knew that if I focused hard enough I’d be able to push through in order to be respectful. These presentations taught me that I have to work on my active listening skills. This is an important life skill because in order to fully comprehend what is being talked about you need to be actively listening. To practice this skill, whenever my teachers are lecturing and I start to feel bored I am going to regroup by taking deep breaths. Once I regroup I will be able to continue to actively listen.