Rustic Bread & Shakshuka w/ Feta


For this lab we had to do a double recipe, we had to make some rustic bread which was quite a new way to make bread for me which i was super curious to see how it would turn out. We also had to make something call a Shakshuka which was a dish i never heard of before as well so this lab was i very new thing for me which made it more fun to make and taste. The methods we used to make these recipes were flour mixture and yeast bread for the rustic bread and egg cookery, knife skills and mis en place for the Shakshuka. For the recipe we had to do it within two days, we prepared the bread and let it sit and rise overnight on day one, and on day two we made the Shakshuka and cooked the bread which we ate at the end of that class. What went well for me was communicating with my group in the kitchen, time management by quickly finishing the recipes and cleaning up our unit while everything was cooking and getting ready to eat, and finally i thought that my knife skills improved a whole lot throughout the lab. I think that the one of the big things i need to work on is trying to step up in my unit because i want to try and improve my cooking ability and skill so to do so i think i need to try and take responsibility for more tasks in the kitchen, this would benefit me and my fellow teammates.

Overall i think that it was a very successful lab and i was very proud of how the final product turned out and i would definitely make this again at home because it would be a cool thing to show my family what I’ve learned in class by making them a more complex dish like the Shukshuka. For these reasons i think that i would give mine and my teammates performance during this lab 5 stars

Basic Crepes with Blueberry sauce


In this lab we had to make some basic crepes which is a breakfast that i personally enjoy, we also had to make a delicious blueberry sauce to go with them. I think what went well for me during this recipe was my communication with my teammates, being able to follow the recipe and for taking responsibility in the kitchen when needed. But for next time i feel i need to work on being more confident in the kitchen and not always having to ask my teammates questions that aren’t necessary to ask, i feel that i need to just go with my instincts and trust myself to make right decisions in the end. Overall i was pretty proud with how they turned out and i was proud of the crepes that i was able to make. I would definitely make this again because they are fairly easy and they taste super delicious and would make for easy fast breakfast to make for my family over the weekend and i would also like to try and add other fruits to my crepes to try and test different flavors in the recipe. For these reasons i believe that i deserve 4.5/5 stars for my crepes and blueberry sauce.

Veggie Frittata


In this lab we had to create a veggie Frittata which is a recipe that I’ve never heard of before, which i was pretty excited to make cause i was curious to taste what it was like. For this recipe we had to use the egg cookery method which i was familiar with from past recipes, we also had to use knife skills which i had used before but i wasn’t super confident with. Throughout the recipe i think what went well for me was my communication with my teammates and i feel my knife skills improved a lot during the lab, i learned how to cut a variety of different veggies which i feel will be useful for me in future recipes at school and at home. I feel that i need to work on my time management which is a very important skill to have when learning to cook and i believe overtime i will learn to master this skill. Overall this was i really fun recipe to make and i would definitely make this again and i would try to add some different veggies and some other ingredients to maybe spice it up. I was super proud of how it turned out and i would say so far that this is the recipe i’m most proud of. For these reasons i gave myself 5 stars for how well i did, my group did, and how the final product turned out.