Breakfast Home Lab

For the breakfast home lab I designed and cooked an amazing breakfast sandwich on a toasted bagel with many toppings. the toppings I put on my sandwich were an egg and were perfectly cooked and bacon cooked to a crisp. Cheese was melted directly on the egg and I had creamy avocado spread on the bagel topped with salt and with cut pepper and a handful of a spinach to top it off. I chose to make a breakfast sandwich because it was the best choice to express creativity in the kitchen. one challenge I over came in this lab was cooking the bacon well because for me its very hard to cook bacon with the grease popping everywhere and it very much hurts when it gets on your skin. my greatest success is probably the way I cut all my ingredients and prepared my “mise en place” because I think my knife skills were on point and I did a very good job with cutting everything as the same shape and size. I’m proud of my skills to pick good ingredients to put on my sandwich and I can mix n match flavours. my mom thought it was very creative and out of the box with what my ingredients were but unfortunately my mother couldn’t eat everything I had on my sandwich because she is vegan so instead my boyfriend tried and he thought is was amazing.