Linear and Non Linear Equations

Linear Equations

Example 1:

This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because when formed in desmos the line was straight. I can tell from the equation because it is a form of y=mx+b also in the equation there isn’t any form of exponents or crazy math symbols.

Example 2:


This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because the linear graph line is straight. I can tell from the equation because it is a form of “Ax+By=C

Non Linear Equations

Example 3:

This is a non linear equation. I can tell by the graph because the line isn’t straight, it is curved.I can tell from the equation because there is an exponent connected to the 2.

Example 4:

This is a non linear equation. I can tell by the graph because the lines are separate and they are not straight. I can tell by the equation because it was not formatted in a linear equation and it has a fraction in the equation.

Self Assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I input different equations in the Desmos websites to form a graph. I was able to choose different equations from the selection to see which ones I would use.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I looked at the equation and graphs. I was able to identify if the equation was linear or non linear. If it was linear, the equation would be in one of two formats and if it was non linear, it would be in a different format and have other various mathematical terms. I was also able to look at the graphs and look at the way the lines were formed from the equation.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I have looked over the graph and equation to make sure its right and consulted with the teacher.