Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

Natural selection lab with different utensils

I demonstrated that I can collect and analyze evidence when I see what is happening. After completing this lab, I was able to see my results and come up with a conclusion that was whoever had to best utensil was able to survive and eat the most food compared to the others.

I demonstrated that I can connect evidence I collected to big ideas when I understood the concept of natural selection. By adapting to whatever object you have to live. Some people were given a fork without prongs and it was more challenging for them as they were not able to scoop up food. However, I was given a spoon and I realized I had a better tool than others as each station I usually filled my cup up the fastest

I demonstrated that I can make predictions base on evidence when I knew what happened after one station. After one station when I filled my cup up within seconds, and saw others with barely even a quarter full that I was able to predict what would happen within the next stations. I could make this prediction as I saw they were struggling to scoop up beans without having a spoon like myself and how easy it was for me.