Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness and Responsibility in CLE 10


In this assignment I demonstrated social awareness and responsibility by connecting my life choices with my social peers and others. What did I learn from this assignment? I learnt to think about all the different sacrifices, decisions, obstacles and events in my life. I also learnt that in life, there are going to be many different eras and while not everything about it will be positive, but to learn what to do better to prevent it from happening again in the future. This is an important skill in my everyday life because everyday you make new choices. Some may be easier than others but you will be faced with multiple things everyday. This connects with social awareness and responsibility because it shows the ways I will interact with others around the world. Some of my life choices will not just be about me and this shows how I can include my life choices with others. I am responsible for working collaboratively with my communities and peer and I believe with this assignment, I have included that.