My Digital Footprint

Creating a Positive Digital Footprint

by Helia

I created an infographic using to show my knowledge. The infographic shows my learning of what a digital footprint is and ways to have a positive one. It also effectively shows what I have learned in a simple yet still unique and impactful way.


Personal/social Competency Reflection

I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences. My digital footprint can limit future jobs, prevent university application, and overall affecting future connections with others. I adjust my actions to keep a positive digital footprint by double-checking everything I like, share, post, or comment on social media; As I do this, I am making sure that what I am doing online represents me as a person. I also always post and share issues I find important to me on my story, which causes others to be aware of it and share it.  

I make digital ethical choices like not over-sharing. By not oversharing about where I live, who my friends are, who my family is, and overall, personal information about me. I am keeping a safe and secure online environment by not over-sharing the environment causes me to be comfortable being me without the fear of creeps on social media knowing personal information about me, which could lead to peer pressure. I am always careful while sharing personal information online with strangers and or websites because I can prevent many negative consequences from occurring if I think before I share.  

I have many preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy and balanced online presence. A method I use is only allowing people I know or people my close friends are friends with follow me; As I do this, I get an account where I can be comfortable being me and feel safe at the same time. I also like having my account private; As I do this, I can keep my information protected and not allow random people who could be dangerous view my social media accounts.  


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