Core Competency Reflection BS:11

Core Competency Reflection

For my artifact I chose my Unit 4 conversation I did in partners with Marko Andjelic

I can statements:

I can form new ideas to create new things. – I chose this one because as soon as we created an idea for our conversation we just kept building it up into a whole scenario.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. – I chose this one because we had to use certain vocab words for full marks and had to figure out where to put in the words and make them flow with the rest of the conversation.

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. – I chose this one because since Marko was working with me he also had his own ideas on how the conversation should go. What we should talk about, what’s the scenery, are we doing and activity etc. This had me think of the multiple ways we could write the converstaion.

I can reflect on my thinking. – I chose this one because I had to go through our vocab worksheets to find words to fill the sentences which involved a lot of thinking and seeing does this makes sense, did I conjugate this right. We also had to do some review to make sure we were pronouncing the words correctly.

My Goal

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas.

I’m going to work on this for my future because there is always going to be setbacks in not only school but the rest of life and learning how to deal with it will really benefit me. It will help me grow and become more stable minded and not be so defeated every time I come into failure or a minor set back.