CPR Reflection

  • 1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?

I learned how to operate and use and AED

  • 2. What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?

Definitely learning how to properly and safely help someone whose unconscious.

  • 3. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?

We talked about how some unhealthy foods that can cause heart attacks and affect your health.

Core Competency Reflection

· I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior.

I chose this one because I am very respectful in class and mindful of others around me. I always try to include those around me and am respectful when working with people I don’t really know.

· I find it easy to be part of a group.

Typically I am a peoples person so I do well in groups. I am very engaging and love working with others.

· I can identify my strengths and identify my potential.

I am smart, athletic, hard worker and like working with other people. I can see my potential and that I will do great things in the future.

· I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.

I am always kind to people and respectful of their decisions. When people need help I am always willing to and give them my ideas.

My Goal

· I can identify how my actions affect the community or environment and I can make positive change.

I feel I need to work on getting more involved in my community and helping out the environment. I also want to work on making positive change around my community.