Where I’m From Essay

My Paper:

My writing process:

Due to the time difference between Canada and the Philippines, choosing a suitable time to interview my grandmother was the most difficult part. I sacrificed some of my sleep just to find the right timing, but it is more than worth it. What surprised me was that, I didn’t know more than half the story of what actually happened. It was like opening a present only to discover there was another one inside. The easiest part of this assignment was putting all the information together into one big paragraph and edit from there. I enjoyed talking to my grandma just like the old times and having that feeling of nostalgia. What I didn’t enjoy was writing the last paragraph of my essay. It was hard to relate it to me but in the end I managed to do it. What I learnt from this was nothing I’ve never heard before to be honest. For me, it was just a matter of revisiting and reflecting more thoroughly on all the lessons and advice my grandmother shared with me when I was younger.

Core Competency Reflection


The ways I communicate at school differs from how I communicate at ____ (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways: I speak my native language at home which is Tagalog. I had to translate the entire interview in English to the best of my abilities. It sure was a challenge but it sure was an interesting experience.

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

I used to think that I know how my grandma was like when she was young due to the stories she would tell me growing up and now I know that it was only the surface of it and that I have so much more to learn because I did this interview.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility:

To celebrate an accomplishment such as this assignment, I went ahead and called my grandma again and showed her my good copy. She also told me more stories that I’ve never heard of before which is why I’m glad that we did this assignment.


My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include brainstorming how I’m going to put my essay together. I also thought about how I’m going to wrap up the essay and make a connection to myself.


A long term goal for myself include me learning as much as I can while at the same time having fun. My plan to achieve that is to take breaks, like watch my favorite book, watch my favorite movie, hang out with my friends, etc.


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