Apple Gallant

Today in foods class we made Apple Gallant. This was relatively easy to make, I started by peeling and then thinly slicing three apples. Next I put them in a small bowl with flour, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon and then mixed everything together. In a separate bowl I made the dough using butter, flour, sugar and salt and blended it together with a pastry blender. I rolled the ball into a disk shape and put it in the freezer while I then washed and dried the dishes. Once I took the dough out of the freezer I rolled it our with a rolling pin. I ran into a problem because my dough was too sticky, so I added more flour. I put the apple mixture in the centre of the dough and then folded in the edges before baking it for around 45 minutes. When it came out of the oven it was golden brown and tasted sweet and fruity. I would give this a 7/10 for nutrition because it has less sugar. This dessert would also have tasted great with pears or some sort of berries.


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