みちあんない Post (Disney Sea)







みちあんないの63ー たべうとのみうはいいりょうり。


R1 – うらない

For myself, horoscopes, zodiac signs and blood type or anything along those lines just don’t make enough sense for me to believe in them. I just cant see the way they connect to everyone’s genes and personalities. In saying that I do find it entertaining to look at these things and seeing if maybe there is some truth to them or to see how they think I or someone I know would/should act. I have seen some tests and info on horoscopes and such that have honestly been a surprising amount truthful, but I just cant see how every single person of that type is the same way, plus there’s always something off about them. I have never seen one that I 100% agree with. I think these fortunes are still popular today because it gives people something to look to and maybe some people feel they learn more about themselves reading these things. I also think it can be used for excuses or to get out of a problem, all because someone can say “Ohh I’m a Virgo so it makes sense” or something along those lines. Superstitions on the other hand are different for me. Now I cant say I really believe in them but I always still see myself never walking under ladders, opening an umbrella inside and some other popular superstitions. Overall I think these things can be used to have some fun and if people believe in them, that’s okay too I just personally don’t and superstitions can be a cool thing to pass on to generations and keep the superstition alive even though it might not be real.