Independent Studying

I’ve done well by maintaining consistency in my Japanese studies and immersing myself with various new materials. However to improve, I need to consider practicing more on structured grammar exercises and practicing speaking with native speakers or language partners regularly to enhance fluency and conversation skills. An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is being able to communicate basic fluency level with a Japanese person by taking my time reading mangas in Japanese to see some common phrases people use when talking, along with watching Japanese movies and joining things like the Japanese Foreign Exchange zoom. When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I first try researching about the question in google, then I will confirm it with the teacher to advance the development of my ideas. Often, this occurs when I’m studying for a test and suddenly when making practice sentences, I suddenly get confused of a grammar point. Some short/ long term goals for myself include being able to order in a restaurant or supermarket in Japanese  and my plan to achieve them is by first going through some of the common phrases needed when ordering food or drinks and then I’ll go through vocabularies needed along with grammar points necessary. Given that my parents host Japanese International students every summer, I will continue my Japanese language acquisition by conversing with them in Japanese and asking questions and advice about Japanese language. If you could travel back in time, I would have told myself to do a lot of practice sentences. I believe that they helped me so much in tests and when speaking.

R3 – Japan’s Judicial System

To me, “Justice” means fairness, equity, and the application of laws or principles to ensure that individuals are treated with dignity and respect, and that wrongdoing is well addressed. Regarding the treatment of convicts in Japan, I believe it is a complex issue. Japan’s justice system is routinely criticized for its harsh treatment of people pending trial. Being denied bail is common, along with the harsh treatment in order to obtain confessions and inability to see friends or family. I understand that to some extent why its Judicial system is built the way they are, however I also believe that “guilty without proven innocent” is also an essential for any judicial system. Comparing this to Canada, Canada stronger focuses on individual rights and access to legal representation. As for how these ideas compare my previous understanding of Japan, it aligns with the perception that Japan as a society values respect and social cohesion. These Ideas maybe shown towards the anime “Psycho Pass”, where it tells a story in a dystopian future, how society’s concept of justice is determined by a system that analyzes individuals’ mental states to predict and prevent crime. The series explores the consequences of such a system and raises questions about free will and the nature of justice, reflecting societal values and cultural attitudes towards crime and punishment in Japan.

R2 – Tokyo Skytree

I have visited the HongKong’s sky tower, where I had an amazing experience. Towers offer panoramic views that can give you a whole new perspective on a city, I realized this when I went to the city tower in HongKong. The views from the tower is breathtaking and gives a perspective of the city below. Despite being 13 when I visited, I still remember how the city lights shined from below. As for Coquitlam, having a city tower could indeed have a similar effect, offering residents and visitors a point to appreciate the city and its surroundings. Whether to invest in tourists attractions is a good use of city funds or not depends on various factors, such as the city’s overall economic goals, its current tourism industry, and the potential benefits it will bring to the local community. While tourism can create economic growth and job opportunities, its essential to balance these investments with other priorities like infrastructure, education and healthcare. In Tokyo, there are countless of places that I’d love to visit. One of them is the Tokyo Skytree. As I’ve seen HongKong’s sky tower, I would also like to see Japan’s number one city tower. Offering a breathtaking glimpse of iconic landmarks like Mount Fuji and the Shibuya crossing, along with other city scrapers.

J11 U3 お休み

Learning Japanese has both an easy and challenging aspects. While understanding Japanese grammar and vocabulary can seem relatively straightforward, the real challenge lies in retaining this knowledge. Certain aspects of Japanese, such as the usage of particles like “は” or “が” and knowing when to employ the “て” form, differ significantly from English, adding complexity to the learning process. After taking a few years of Japanese, I noticed that there are many rules of grammar points along with vocabularies and kanjis to remember. I believe that to learn Japanese, one either needs to live in Japan for a year to fully be able to speak and read Japanese perfectly. Despite this however, reading mangas and watching Japanese shows or movies might help improving Japanese skills.My ultimate goal by the end of this class is to engage in fluent conversations in Japanese, from ordering at restaurants to asking for directions and engaging in other basic interactions essential for navigating Japan. Outside of class, I’ve been reading Japanese mangas to improve my vocabulary and grammar. 

今年の夏はイタリアに行きたいです!ヴェネツィアに行きって、”Dodge’s Palace”や“Rialto Bridge”などをみたいです。来週私もローマに行きって、”Colosseum”、”Roman Forum”、”Trevi Fountain”を見に行きたいです。私は楽しんたり、たくさん食べ物を食べたり、寝んたりしたい!イタリア行きのこうけんのりょうきんはやくCAD$1,080。だから、イタリアに楽しもうです。

Reflection 1 – うらない

I find examining my horoscopes, blood type analysis, and personality tests to a certain degree, but I place greater trust in the latter for accuracy. These tools, while widely embraced, serve a purpose in offering occasional guidance during challenging times and fostering self-awareness. However, I maintain a level of skepticism regarding their ability to predict specific outcomes, such as ideal career choices or intelligence levels based solely on these indicators. Such reliance on these assessments can lead to unjust treatment and diminished self-esteem for those unfavorably categorized. Ultimately, I believe these methods fall short in accurately determining our futures or prescribing our interactions with others.

Core Competency: Collaborating

During this unit, I encountered challenges in understanding the concepts of related rates problems. At first I found it difficult to connect with the problems. However, while working with my group on in-class problems, I started to comprehend some concepts better. When my friends illustrated the problems from their perspectives, helping me visualize and understand the questions I began to slowly understand the concept. Our collaborative approach involved discussing the problem first and outlining potential solution strategies. If we still couldn’t get it, we would sketch diagrams to gain a clearer understanding. In most cases, these steps allowed us to grasp the problem and solve it successfully. Nonetheless, if we still faced challenges, we will ask input from other groups, exploring different perspectives. This collaborative effort often provided the insights needed to understand the problem independently and reach a solution. The problem above shows two of the related rates in-class problems where even when I’ve reread it over and over I still didn’t get it. When my friend drew the triangle, it helped me understand better and when I rethink and discuss with them how they solved it, I began to understand even more. The problem is asking the rate of distance between the two cars, to solve this, one will need to state the variables, then find the equation relating them, and take the d/dt of both sides.

A & P 12 Core Competency Edublog


During the diffusion lab, communication with lab partners and group members is important. I communicated with my partner when doing the procedures, as team work is an essential for our lab to be done on time. There was a miscommunication on part of the lab as the dialysis tubing ended up in the trash at one point. Nevertheless, we decided to make a new one and at this point we fully listened and responded accordingly, we communicated properly and so we could finish the lab on time. During the predicting of hypothesis, communication is needed with my partner and my two other group members. My partner and I did the part A of the lab and so doing the hypothesis for part A wasn’t too hard, however, my two other group members did part B’s portion. Because I didn’t do the part B portion and they didn’t do the part A portion, communication is necessary. All the group members have to communicate and listened properly in order to predict the hypothesis. Next time when doing another lab, I would like to improve on my active listening skills.


There was much critical and reflective thinking done during this lab. Considering there was no exact answer for the questions on the lab, to answer the questions I had to reflect deeply and connect the data results with the notes. I had to do some research too on diffusion. To account for any errors, reflective thinking is crucial. For the conclusion, I had to reanalyze the evidence, research on factors effecting diffusion, and look back on the notes to be able to make decisions and draw conclusions. Accounting for any errors done on the lab made me realize many things. Next time, I would like to improve on asking more questions and being more curious.

Core Competency Reflection

economics 12

The assignment I will be choosing is the Market Structures Company Profile Project, where I communicate, come up with ideas, and discussed together with my partner for this project. For this project, we were tasked to create an infographic-like online poster where we picked five companies with each five market structure. Because of this, communication is key, as I have to make sure me and my partner are doing different companies and different market structures. Through this project, I was able to both critically and creatively think. I get new ideas in class by discussing with my partner and I helped myself when I feel discouraged by reminding myself my goals.

Personal/ Social Reflection

Throughout this year, my grades have shown remarkable improvement and have been consistently excellent. I have consistently displayed a strong work ethic, dedication, and commitment to your studies. By consistently attending classes, actively participating in discussions, and completing assignments on time, I have demonstrated a deep understanding of the subjects and an eagerness to learn. Additionally, my organizational skills and effective time management have allowed myself to stay on top of my classwork and handle multiple responsibilities with ease. Moreover, I have actively sought help when needed, utilizing various resources such as textbooks, online materials, and engaging with teachers and peers for clarification and additional support. Resulting an improvement in my grades despite the seemingly hard classes.

Areas to improve

GoalsAction Plans
involve in school clubs/activities join school clubs and sports
improve the school environment join the environmental club