Guitar 12 Core Competencies

Personal/Social Core Competencies

In guitar, my group being the intermediates, we started off with finger-style on Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, which started us off with a rather difficult, but relatively easy to understand song to play. The second project we did was our own original finger style solo, in the A-minor pentatonic scale It proved us a challenge with managing and writing our own solo with a backing track, playing the right note in rhythm and being able to follow along with sheet music. Our main focus for the group of six people was collaboration on our third project, which was classical sheet music; Ode to Joy by Beethoven, Come Ye Son of Art by Henry Purcell and Lullaby by Johannes Brahms. We then did dup performances, with me and my partner doing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley, and me being a backup singer for another group that did Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. During all of these I learned not only new finger-style techniques, but also how to collaborate, communicate and lastly: sing and play at the same time.

Automotive 11

My core competency that I improved on is problem solving, as when I couldn’t find a way to figure out how to do something, I either asked how to do it, and did it repeatedly, or I found another way that works just as well as the original way.

This year in automotive, we learned about breaks, wheels, engines, and even the drivetrain. Although we didn’t really work on engines or drivetrains.

The one thing I didn’t like about the class was when I was working on the rear drum break, someone decided to press the break pedal between the start of 4th block (I was in 3rd block), and the next day, basically meaning that the cylinder inside of the drum break had popped, and break fluid had gone everywhere. I not only had to pop the cylinder back into place, but also disassemble and reassemble the drum break for the 4th time. Which I found rather insulting since who would press the break pedal while a vehicle does not have any of it’s breaks assembled PROPERLY.

Fitness and Conditioning 11

This year for Fitness and Conditioning 11, we did a lot of weightlifting and cardio, especially when we ran with Ruzycki’s workouts. But occasionally we did our own, and I loved to do squats and deadlifts, almost to the point I could feel my back beginning to fail. At the end of the year, I improved my physical fitness, and my mental stability not only through working out every morning, but also because Mr. Ruzycki is one of the best teachers I have had in a long time. And by the end of class on the last day, I deadlifted 375LBs, and Squatted 325LBs. Which are my biggest achievements.

Workplace Math 11

Core Competencies – Reflection

A close up of my Cabin Project

I was thinking creatively and critically during my Cabin Project, colouring, folding, gluing, and even making the base. I thought critically while making the base of the tree, since it was not stable. So, I added a support inside that I attached to the base, so then the tree was stable to it, and I could remove it if need be. And when I was going to make the garage for my cabin, and had to measure and cut to the proper dimensions to make sure it would fit together. I did measure something incorrectly, but I fixed it easily.

Explorations in Socials Studies 11

I used Critical Thinking to gather information on Harry Jerome by looking at specific sites on the web, and seeing if information matched other sites (since if it didn’t match or was not similar, it could be false information.) So, after I gathered the information I lied it out in a way that would make sense, then added it to the poster along with images of Harry Jerome. Then per the assignment’s requirements I put the QR code to the main website I used for this project.

For curricular competencies, I chose Continuity and Change as an area of strength I have with this, is the ideas of coming up with a continuity or change is a relatively simple concept if you have enough knowledge of the topic. Like with Harry Jerome he was racially discriminated for leaving a sprinting race due to a leg injury, but instead of the news being taken to the public faster than it did, many people thought he had “Chickened out.” But now he helped the development of People of Colour in sports throughout Canada. A place for improvement for me is my ability to further my knowledge on these topics to come up with more changes, as it is much easier to come up with a continuity over a change since sometimes they are so small that some people including myself might see them as not even being a change.

English First People’s 11

Term 1 Edublog post

Artifact: Find something you did during this class that highlights either your communication, thinking, or personal/social skills.

I chose this for my Artifact because it highlights critical thinking skills to solve problems, and end conlflict.

Create and Communicate: What did you learn about Indigenous themes, issues, or perspectives during this assignment or task and how did you grow in your writing, speaking, or representing skills? How will you take what you learned and use it towards working on reconciliation? 

  I learned about a Trickster, which was an entity, it didn’t have a gender, but also had one at the same time. A trickster is a magical yet down to earth. We learned of the story of the Sky woman, and the cultural inaccuracies of Disney’s Pocahontas, and other horror stories from the First Peoples community.

In this Term I used Critical thinking skills by my ability to receive and give feedback on assignments to improve any next assignments I’d have later on in the year.

IDS: Inquiry Reflection

Write a reflection about your progress on your Inquiry project.  

  1. Include your answers to the following questions in your reflection: 
  1. What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 

I changed my question to be more accessible anywhere because the pneumatic engine would be rather large 

  1. How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 

The only thing I do during CENT time is the meeting. 

  1. What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 

I haven’t been using any 

  1. What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 

Coming up with a story/plot is my main challenge, creating the creatures in the story I have already overcome. 

  1. Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 

Critical/Creative thinking, as it’s making me think more about the character aspects and story, while I can think creatively on the design of the creatures. 

  1. How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 

I will be filling a notebook of this stuff. 

  1. Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 


Core Competencies

Drawing/Painting 11/12

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking involves the generation of ideas and concepts that are novel and innovative in the context in which they are generated, reflection on their value to the individual or others, and the development of chosen ideas and concepts from thought to reality.

People who think creatively are curious and open-minded, have a sense of wonder and joy in learning, demonstrate a willingness to think divergently, and are comfortable with complexity. A creative thinker reflects on existing ideas and concepts; uses imagination, inventiveness, resourcefulness, and flexibility; and is willing to take risks to go beyond existing knowledge.

( Link to site: Thinking | Building Student Success – B.C. Curriculum ( )

For my cat painting, I chose to do a colourful version of my cat, with a normal background as to experiment with what I could do to make it pop.

Portrait of my cat Lux laying on our stairs, she is a black cat and I decided to make her all colourful for the project to make it look less bland

Core Competency Goals

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is

Usually drawing or just looking around the classroom at the different things can stimulate my imagination. That or I’d also think of things that are related, or slightly similar to the task at hand.

How do you learn best? 

I learn best from hands on work, and pictures. If I learn by a picture, I can register how to do it better than an explanation, but if I do the task, I can learn better that way. And also get a better understanding of the thing I’m doing.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is

Me and one of my friends were making a little structure for a table-top game, and when he came up with an idea, I’d add to it, then eventually we’d test it out to see if it worked or not. Sometimes it did, other times it didn’t. But input and criticism are always a good thing.