Law Studies Inquiry Reflection

Image of one of the prisons researched used in Presentation

About the Activity

For this project, we had to do research based on an inquiry question related to Law. My inquiry question was “Can Canada benefit from implementing Norway’s Prison System”. Based on the research, I found that we could definitely benefit since Norway had a low recidivism (recommitting a crime after being released from prison) rate, but because Norway spends triple the amount per prisoner than Canada, it would be too expensive. Doing the project was fun since it allowed me to do research on something I was interested in. I tend to struggle with putting effort into things I don’t find interesting, but when I did this project, I worked hard to find lots of information.

Core-Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.
I chose this one because I presented my work using a PowerPoint, and I had multiple slides showcasing sub questions/data so that people would understand what I am talking about.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.
Some of my sub questions were opinion based, meaning I had to make judgements depending on the information I read.

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head.
While reading information related to my inquiry, some sub questions popped into my head, which I tried digging into for my presentation. One of those sub questions was “How would Canadians react to a change in the prison system”.

I can develop a body of creative work over time.
I’ve wanted to work on being creative for a while now, especially when it comes to presentations. I always felt like my presentations never stood out due to them being quite basic. I think this is because I work harder on making my organization simple to understand and making sure that there is lots of info to read rather than make it stand out. To get more creative, I should try to think outside of the box and make sure that my presentation looks unique and stands out rather than being simple.