New Career Project: Neurochip Physician

Benefits towards society

​​​As we move towards newer technology, neurochips are slowly becoming reality. With Elon Musk having completed tests using chimps and is currently working towards using human test subjects. Something like neurochips will most likely scare most people. It’s currently a big fear but it’ll be the future. With Neurochip Physicians, it allows for personal professionals to be introduced into society to ease tensions and have people know that there are professionals who specialize in neurochips. They can educate the public, which can result in more people getting neurochips and more money for the physicians. Elon Musk also gets a drone army.

Why should you devote your career to this?

​​​Neurochips are new technology and the future. You may be interested in this career as it also offers a good annual salary (Estimated average of $275,000) alongside a commission per patient. As this technology is so new, this job is almost completely brand new, allowing for a high demand resulting in a booming career in the first few years. For a city like Coquitlam, you’d only need 2-3 Neurochip Physicians. The need in the future for more occupations will most likely not increase by a large amount, as this is an incredibly specialized field.

​​Are you replacing any careers?

No, as this technology is so new, being a neurochip physician is a heavily specialized career. Your workplace would be integrated inside of a city hospital, or you’d have your own specialized medical clinic. Using both WorkBC and Indeed, the average salary of a specialist physician was $251,000 on WorkBC which we then combined with the average salary of a neurologist being $298,000 on indeed. We decided an estimate of $275,000 would be the most likely salary you would have during this career. Of course some salaries may differ depending on location and availability.

Education And Training

UBC will be offering a new program dedicated to the study of neurology alongside the technology of neurochips. This includes the history, debunking false information, being able to convey information to the public, and diagnosing any possible problems caused by neurochips. In order to take this course, you will need to follow standard UBC acceptance policies while also following the new rules listed specifically for this course. ​

–  Anatomy and Physiology 12: Neurology     ​

– Grade of 80% or higher in the course above​

– Chemistry 12 ​

Certain secondary institutions offer  Anatomy and Physiology 12:Neurology, including Centennial Secondary School. This course will heavily focus upon Neurology and research the current events relating to Neuro technology. If your school does not offer the new course, you are able to register for the course online or take it during the summer ​

Neuro Medical Engineering is the new course. The course will take place over four years. Each year will be $8,530. ($34,120 for 4 years) ​International student prices will be $54,320 per year.

Contact Information

#778-987-654 (Don’t actually call I’m not sure if this is real)

North Sentinel Island, Andaman and Nicobar Islands


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