Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

When my teacher introduced this project to us, I immediately thought of who I’d interview. My dad instantly popped into my head. The questions that I formulated for him were curated around this one topic that I was hoping to learn about, as my knowledge surrounding the subject in our family was little to none. As I made them, it felt less interesting and I decided to make the questions broader, to receive what I felt would be a better answer. Once I had the questions ready. I procrastinated for a long time before deciding to finally interview my dad. Once I was done interviewing my dad, I realized how much history my family has alongside how talented we are. It was also slightly saddening to hear the answer my dad gave, as he felt that his life may have been incredibly different had he been given the choice to stay in the Philippines. My dad was incredibly willing to share stories with me, which made the project a breeze. When it came to translating what my dad had said onto paper was probably the biggest challenge because I didn’t really know where to start. Once I was able to grasp where I was going to start, it was a lot easier from there. After I had written about 90% of my essay, I came to a realization that I did the essay wrong. (Or what I thought was wrong) So I had to rewrite certain sections. This was a huge blockage in my will to work on this project but I handed in a pretty decent product in the end. This whole project was excellent experience as it helped me dive into history and qualities about my family that I didn’t even know about.

Core Competency Reflection

Others find my feedback useful because I… When we wrote our essay drafts, we were required to peer-edit two other drafts. My desk mates liked my feedback as I didn’t hold back and tried to be as critical as possible. This had me giving as much feedback as possible so that they could create an essay to the best of their efforts.

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is… When my dad told his story and the story of my grandparents, I fuelled my mind with images of what or how I believe that situation went. This included using what I knew of these people or events to create a scenario akin to a reel of images of important events.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… A huge skill that I developed while doing this project would be my interview skills. This allowed me to flesh them out and had me generating followup questions on the spot to prod my dad for more details, which contributed to an easier work-load.

As an active listener, I notice that I … Always give eye contact, alongside giving an auditory response to allow the person to know that I’m giving full attention. Asking questions also allows me to stay engaged within the conversation, interview, or presentation.

Core Competency Goal

I currently believe that I should work on my Personal Awareness and Responsibility as that seems to be the CC that I lack knowledge/ability in the most. Whenever I make an Edublog it’s my most neglected CC. I hope to reward myself for doing extensive pieces of work rather than neglecting these needs to keep myself focused and not drained. Creating proper goals for myself and a set schedule would also be of great use.


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