Core-Competency Goals

By Zeaus

Collaboration Prompt: I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by

This is something that I can sometimes struggle to do. This may happen because people don’t feel comfortable in adding towards a group discussion and I’d rather not force someone who may believe their answer is either wrong or it adds nothing to. the conversation. I personally believe that any input as long as it’s logical, adds something to a discussion whether or not it’s wrong. I hope that I’m able to be more forward and inclusive this semester in order to combine everyones ideas.

Creative Thinking Prompt: An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is

Whenever someone has the same idea as me, I tend to disregard my idea instead of doing anything more with it. I tend to abandon it as I feel that it would be better for me to not always try to create new ideas as the original idea can be still be good, without me needing to completely scan it as long as I improve or build upon it to “think outside the box.” This may not be something I’m able to improve on this semester, but next semester when I have woodworking will be brilliant.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility:When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing… helps me be more productive or calm. :

Whenever I’m emotional, I tend to just focus and think on what had put me in that situation. I let it buildup and it becomes pent up after a while. This can distract me from my work and it can cause me to waste hours on end as it clouds my mind. I hope to find something at school that I’m able to relieve my stress from and clears my mind allowing me to focus on all my work or return to a calm state.


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