IDS: Inquiry Reflection

Progress Reflection

My Inquiry question is “How to run a school wide news show with a crew as new as I am?” My Focus has not shifted or changed at all. Besides that we’ve gotten a formula down and we’re now just constantly trying to improve and take any constructive criticism.

My time management for Cent show works well as I always dedicate 1 1/2 – 2 1/2 hours a week towards Cent show. We started with wanting to film during Cent time then moved to Friday mornings, but now we’ve moved to Friday’s after school which is way better because we’re allowed the freedom to film without a limit.

Mr. Rensen and feedback from teachers and students have been the most helpful resources towards refining and creating the best possible show we can. Past Cent show episodes as well have also been incredible help.

We’re currently facing the challenge of how to get student engagement, and our current plan is to do more interviews as that seems to always get good rating from students. In terms of problems we’ve faced in the past, there are a countless amount. The biggest challenge that we’ve overcome would be getting rid of “baggage”. We had some members who made empty promises which heavily hindered the shows performance and it’s been an overall awful experience. But through sheer will and determination we were able to get rid of them alongside filling roles with reliable co-stars.

Communication has been the biggest Core-Competency that I’ve been able to improve. Whether it be with the crew to improve smaller aspects or with peers to gain a better understanding of how they view the show. I’ve definitely assumed the role of leader with how much work I put into the project as we occasionally also get Leadership related assignments which myself or Chazai usually do. If it’s a group activity than most of us usually pitch in.

I will most likely create a diary or journal, describing the hardships and moments in which I feel shaped the creation of Cent Show 2023. It’s been an incredible journey that I feel very passionate about and I’d be glad to share it all.

Because of Capstone, Leadership and a promise, I will definitely be continuing this project alongside my current co-stars. Hopefully we’ll also be able to find younger students who we can train to continue the show once we’re gone. I’ve been told that this basically writes my Capstone. 🙂

This photo encapsulates the energy in which Cent-show has during a filming session (I broke a lightbulb)


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