Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

Works Cited
“How to Stay Safe Online: Internet Safety Tips and Resources.” Reviews.Org, 22 Feb. 2022,
“Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online.” Usa.Kaspersky.Com, 15 Sept. 2022,
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
My strengths as a digital citizen include citing all of the sources which I use for projects and assignments, regularly updating my computer safety apps, and being kind online. This might mean helping someone with something via Teams or Email, and encouraging friends to have a positive digital footprint. They contribute to my classroom because they inspire other people to do the same. By playing with other online, I make a positive difference to my peers. Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are playing, and helping people online. This also can improve my digital footprint.