Something that helps me manage my stress inside and outside of school:

When I get stuck on a problem, I have strategies for what to do next. They include trying to review content related to the question I am working on, and theWhen I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I …n try again with new insight into the problem. I also like to watch videos on the topic, as I find different explanations on a challenging topic to be interesting.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I often enjoy meditating or listening to calming music. I also like to indulge in creative activities like writing and playing the piano when I have lost my focus. These activities help me, as they reset my mind from all distractions and make me feel more calm.
I can prevent some school-related stress by trying to finish my work whenever I have free time, and creating a proper study plan that fits within my time schedule. I can also reduce stress by taking short times off to recharge, like spending time with friends and family.
When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead, I remind myself that mistakes are a crucial part of learning effectively, and progress does not happen without them. I continue to put my best efforts forward, and correct mistakes along the way.