Desmos Self-Portrait

My Explanation

This assignment allowed me to use my creativity along with my knowledge I gained in Precalculus twelve. I knew that certain functions like quadratic, radical and linear functions would be useful to mimic feature’s, but when we were shown special functions like, hyperbola’s (hyperbolae) circle’s and ellipses, I was able to utilize them. For my nose, eyes as well as most of my jawline, I used the two hyperbolae as they best represented the shape and the curvature of them. I had the circle functions for my eye balls and I used the inequalities to shade the eyes in. I also tried my best to do the “guess” logo on my shirt and it was quite a challenge as there were a lot of uneven and odd shapes that I had to play with and It took about 50 functions to complete the outline. Using radical functions was very helpful and it helped me be efficient by instead of adding a couple of restrictions I only had to do one for each one. In total I used 170 functions to complete my self-portrait. I spent countless hours on this and I know this is the best work I have completed in a while.

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Precalculus 12

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

From the beginning of this course I had a goal to prove to myself that I am capable of succeeding and doing well. Before I did not have a way to study, comprehend and be ready for math topics and tests. I tried many things as I made notes for every lesson which helped me go through the fine steps, but then I went back to flashcards which worked very well as I was able to memorize and understand certain rules and ways to do problems and I was able to use my knowledge to complete questions with ease. Before every test I make flashcards two days before and go over them until I am fully confident that I know what I am doing. I am also aware that I become stressed if I know I have a test coming up and I do not know what I am doing and personally I don’t like feeling like that. To cope with this I make sure that I give myself plenty of time to review and study, and I ALWAYS ask questions to my AP Calculus friends if I am not one hundred percent. Also I practice quite often and I make sure that I can do a question in any situation.

Essay Writing

My Essay

Core Competencies

I know the group is working well together when I see that my parter and I are focussed on our work and that we are getting our parts done, disccusing them and supporting each other when we have questions or we are unsure of certain areas. We worked in a timely manner and we were able to talk things through and come to agreements.

If I notice that there us some confusion and struggles, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by having conversations about certain chapters or scenes of the book. We can pool our ideas together to make sense of what is occuring and if there is some sort of hidden meaning, we explain what we got from that passage.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when my partner and I were trying to discover exact quotations that we felt were needed to get our points across and to give the text more expression. We did this as we talked about what we needed, we found precise quotes from the book and then we were able to confer on how we wanted to include the quotes or if we needed different ones.

An area of study in which I feel confident to regularly challenge assumptions and develop new ideas is in creating meaning from text. One of my goals is too be able to go in depth and create new ideas from passages. This will extend my learning as I will be able to look at certain areas from unique perspectives and build a whole new understanding. I will read more books and articles and attempt to see them from new ways. Also, I will start taking more notes to notice little details that may be important or showing something irregular.

Life Saving Measures

After attending these three presentations, I have learned various things that will help me save a life and prevent deaths when people are in need. One of the things I learned was the good samaritan act, which allows people to not be charged for any criminal offense if they are attempting to save a life. For example, if you have drugs on you, while you are trying to adminster life saving procedures on a overdose victim, you can not be charged. Another thing I learned is that I am able to get a naloxone kit at any pharmacy and I am able to use it in a circumstance where someone needs it. This is very helpful as I am able to help people and I can inject the naloxone drug as it will help someone if they are overdosing and it won’t have an effect on someone if they are not overdosing. The final and most important thing I learned was about CPR, that to keep the persons heart pumping you should break there ribs so that you can directly access the heart. Also, you should rub the persons sternum in certain cases to see if they are responsive and concious. These can have a positive outcome on my life as I can administer live saving procedures to people in need, if I am placed into these situations.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

If I am on a scene and I am called upon to help an individual, I am able to recognize symptoms of conditions. For example I can rub a persons sternum to see if they are alert or shake them. Also if someone is having a heart attack I can use an AED safely to help revive the heartbeat of a person and help them until emergency services arrive.

First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Core Competency Reflection

As an active listener, I notice that I pay close attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues, empathize with the speaker’s emotions, seek understanding before responding, maintain eye contact, and engage in reflective listening. I strive to create a safe and supportive space for meaningful communication.

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by the collective effort and shared responsibility exhibited by team members. Effective collaboration involves active participation, open communication, leveraging diverse perspectives, and a unified commitment towards achieving a common goal.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when my partner and I were doing the Comic Book project we had some disagreed on a couple of things that we wanted to do so we weighed our options and we came to a agreement that allowed us to get the best work that we could have done.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include. My goal is to conduct thorough research using credible sources, utilizing various information retrieval methods, critically evaluating the gathered data, and organizing it in a systematic manner. The goal is to gather accurate and comprehensive information to inform decision-making and enhance task outcomes.

IDS Inquiry Reflection

My original inquiry question was how much can I improve during this hockey season. It hasn’t changed significantly but I shifted and formed it to “How much can I improve this hockey season, what can I do to change my performances and play style? This elaborates on my original plan so that I am able to expand my thinking and utilize different ways to get better at hockey.

My time managment during cent time has been pretty good as I show up for my class attend the meeting. I usually do some sort of research for my project than, I complete my IDS work and if I have time, I will go to one of my other classes that I need help in and get help.

Youtube has been the best resource as it shows me in a visual way how to do some moves and it has really helped with my positioning on the ice. Also, I have watched videos that have helped improve my mental health so that I am ready for the game and I have the right mindset before the game.

A challenge that I am overcoming is being able to film my evidence of improvement as I can’t physically do it. I will try to ask my peers to film my work. A challenge that I have overcame is before I was struggling to find resources and information, but now after using youtube it has helped a lot.

The cor competency that I have been using throughout this inquiry project is mainly Personal and Social competency. My teammates and friends have been supporting me and teaching me certain moves like how to perfect the toe drag and many other moves. I have been a better team player as the season has gone on and I have started playing for the team and not just myself.

I will try to make powerpoint about what I have learned and I will try to put some sort of video evidence of my skills. I believe I will be done by the end of May for my inquiry project.

I don’t think I will continue this inquiry project for my capstone next year as I will try to do something related to jobs and figure out what I want to do for work in the future.

Core Competencies: Spanish Dialogue

How Can We Improve?

Next time I do a script I would go over the skit multiple times and read it over so that I don’t make simple mistakes like missing el, la, missing accents and using the wrong ser and estar. This would fix the errors we had and it would allow the presenting part to flow easily. I would also, try to elaborate on the topics we talk about and add extra comments to enhance the writing and the way we present the dialogue itself.

Core Competencies

I feel like I used creative thinking while making the dialogue, even though we had guidelines that we had to follow we were able to think outside those rules to make a script that flow. We are able to give some laughs and talk freely as if it was a conversation just between us.

Another Core Competency I used was communicating as I was able to talk with my group mates to create ideas, discuss what our plan would be and give each other some sort of feedback if we wanted to add more to the dialogue or take some parts away.

Lab 19C: Determination of a Solubility Product Constant

Our Evidence

My Core Competency #CommunicationCC

While completing this lab, my partner Dylan and I were focussing on collaborating and clearly communicating with each other so that our procedure would run smoothly and we would finish on time. The first 3 images from the lab shows the product of mixing Pb(NO3)2 and KI to make KNO3 and PbI2 which was the shiny and sparkly precipitate. The last image shows how we heated up the test tubes with precipitate until they were fully dissolved. First communicating we assigned roles for the lab and we figured out who would grab certain materials to set up the lab so we wouldn’t waste anytime. During the Lab I was the one mixing the reactants and completing the procedure and Dylan was assisting me when I needed extra hands and by writing down the data we observed. For example when we were heating up the labeled test tubes with precipitate I was doing the stirring, observing and calling out when each precipitate fully dissolved and Dylan wrote down our information. Throughout most of the lab my partner and I communicated whenever it was necessary and an example of this would be that when we were pouring and mixing the solutions we talked about what amount Pb(NO3), water and KI had to be in each test tube. Doing this helped as we had no troubles or mix ups in test tubes and we were very efficient in completing our work.

If there is a next time we complete this lab I would heat up the test tubes individually and one at a time so that we can focus on one tube and get a precise observation on when the ppt fully dissolves. It will make our data more accurate, even though it takes more time it would help as it was hard to see if the preciptate fully dissolved when the test tube was surronded by other test tubes that still had a precipitate in them.


About The Activity

For this project my classmates and I were given a scenario where we went on a flight and our plane crashed on a uninhibited island were all 30 students survived. We had no way to communicate with the anyone for help so we had to create our own government with rules and regulations to keep the society in order. We made our own unique code that consisted of how we vote in our positions in our government and how we assign each person to a job on the island. Than we made our own currency and set up a system that allowed all citizens to be able to vote on new laws to see if they pass and the citizens were able to put their own input to make new laws. Than we had a rule book for all criminal violations that stated the crime and its punishment. We also were asked to think about and demonstrate how effective do we think the code would be, than we had to compare it against Canada’s government and two other past codes on the similarities and differences and finally we talked about the strengths and weaknesses of our code.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I decided to chose this one as I found that I was able to share my work with my partner in a way where we knew where all the information about the project was and I was able to make it very clear to represent our work.

I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals. I chose this prompt because I shared work with my piers and my teacher and they gave me great feedback that guided me to do some of my best work. With the feedback I received, it helped me know what parts I needed to improve and how I could improve it.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. While doing the project I got stuck at many times where I could not put my thoughts together as I used some of the learning we did in class about past legal codes, and I assembled my code of that which helped me make new ideas and adding more information to my code.

I can work with others to achieve a goal. My Parter and I found it easy to work together as we shared our ideas to make our code and whenever we disagreed to came to a point where we discussed and used a little form both sides to make it fair and equal. We ended up doing exactly what we wanted to do to achieve our goal.

My Goal

I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. Usually when I start working on something I try to do it one way and one way only, which sometimes works but if you don’t you are not able to create some ideas and you can’t get quality work done. I need to recognize that there are many ways to do work and I can work my way around issues by trying different strategies besides giving up. To reach this goal I will always be asking myself “Can I do this another way?” and looking at the different ways I approach my problems.