LAW 12 – Core Competency Edublog Reflection


I believe that our criminal justice system should be more punitive rather than rehabilitative for a few different reasons. Rehabilitation can be a difficult goal to pursue as not all criminals want to be healed and there are always going to be repeat offenders. And rehabilitation could be better for the community as a whole but may not provide the victim (or their family) with a sense that justice was served. Punitive damages (or punishment) focuses more on the victim than the criminal and can also provide a deterrent for others offenders. The best case scenario would bring in components of both punitive damages and rehabilitation.

Core Competency – I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.

I realize that I am only one opinion and so I should be open to hearing what others think too. It is always important to hear both sides of argument so that you can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses in your viewpoint, and in others’ too.      


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