Core Competency Self-Assessment


In Planning 10, one of our recent projects was to create a resume for ourselves. We first created a draft version on our own and then we got together in groups and went over each other’s resumes. This collaboration was really useful as it allowed me to see how other students were presenting their information, it gave me an opportunity to offer feedback and, most importantly, it gave me the chance to receive feedback on my resume from my group members.

I learned that people can have very different opinions on what may the best way to do something but it is important to acknowledge and respect what they have to say. In the end, I did make a few changes based on the recommendations that were made to me and I also learned that you can work together and still have your own opinion too.

I think that collaboration is very important in life as it is a part of many things that we do. People work together in departments, groups and committees at their jobs, student have to collaborate on group projects, and teammates have to work together toward a common goal each and every time they play. These are just a few examples of how important collaboration is in our lives.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


Clip from CLE 10 assignment: “Thinking About Our Phone Habits.”

The pasted clip above is from an assignment in our Planning 10 class. We were looking at our phone habits and why our phones are so important to us and it is because our devices link us to our social media and our friends, along with school courses and sports teams.

The clip above is a reminder of our constant online connection to our social word and it should be also be a reminder of the importance of social awareness and responsibility when we are online. It is harder to pick up on cues from people when you are online so we need consider how others are affected with what we post. We also need to be cautious and responsible about what we post about ourselves and others when we are online. We have been taught that it is okay to communicate and socialize online but do not post anything you would not want everyone to see. And it is important to always remember that once you post something, it is always there.