Chapter 3 Parabola Assignment


Equation: 𝑦=4(𝑥−3)^2−6

Equation: y=x^2

The difference between the two parabola’s are determined from the variables a, h, and k. The a represents the width of the parabola, and if it opens up or down. Since a=4 in my equation, it opens up and makes it more narrow. The h represents the axis of symmetry, and if the parabola is on the left or right. h=3 so my axis of symmetry is x=3. Finally, k represents if the vertex is below or above 0 (vertical shift), k=-6 on my parabola so my vertex has a y of -6.


In the above assignment, I took two equations and presented them as parabolas in a graph format. Then I followed up with a write up which allowed me to explain their differences. I used relevant vocabulary such as variables, axis of symmetry, and vertex to help me better explain my interpretation of the parabolas. I used formatting in my graph (selecting the colors blue and green to highlight each parabola) and also in my explanation (using certain colors for parts of the equation) in hopes that this will provide a clearer explanation.