Life Saving Measures

The last few days i learned about cpr, substance abuse, and more. First of all, it is so important for people to know and understand what to do in a situation where cpr might be needed, and when to do it on someone. This method has saved so many lives, and the more we teach people the more lives it will save. i believe it is also very important to learn about substance abuse, and what different foreign substances will do to your body, both short, and long term. Our body is like our temple and our physical health may be one of, if not the most important thing for a long, healthy life. Another thing we learned about was naloxone. This was another good thing to learn about, learning how to use it and how it can save a life of someone that is experiencing an overdose was very important and could be very useful if in a situation where it is needed. Learning about all of these topics is great for keeping an eye on your own body’s health, and knowing what to do if you were in a situation where someone else’s life is it risk

Critical and Reflective thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgments by listening to info and statistics to see how important it is. An example is looking at the increase in percentage of lives saved after using cpr, compared to the percentage of people that live from a heart attack with no cpr. I used this, and other stats about it to make the judgement that cpr is very important to know.

Life Saving Measures

something I took away from these lessons in the last two days was how important it is to know these life saving skills. When doing CPR and using an AED, chance of survival goes up heavily. I also learned what naloxone is and how to use it in an overdose situation. Another thing I learned was the steps for CPR, for hazards and if they’re responsive, then contacting 911 and starting CPR. I learned the locations of where to put my hands for CPR, and where to put to pads for the AED. I also learned you should only be doing CPR when necessary, since you should be breaking ribs when doing CPR correctly, but having your ribs broken is better than dying.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence and make judgements by hearing the entire thing, and listening to the details of evidence to be able to create my beliefs. Hearing important statistics to see how important and big the problem is is another why i make judgements.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: Novel study Unit Test

I demonstrated thinking through my unit test we did in english. I used my critical and creative thinking to remember answers and do well. I studied and prepared for the test outside of class time. I used creative thinking to come up with 3 paragraph answers about the book. I was able to analyze the questions to think of an answer. I hope to build on my critical and creative thinking abilities to become better at using my brain.